Chapter 12

The next day…

Lucia had been thinking all night about Naito and what he could possibly mean. But also slightly thinking about that boy from the night class. How he spotted and saw her from the rest of the crowd. He seemed so familiar to someone she know but she didn't know exactly who.

Without even realising, she spent too much time pondering in her thoughts and made herself late for her classes. She quickly got ready and saw a note on the kitchen table from Taro.

Left without you so make your own way there weirdo - from your favourite brother

Lucia - "Ugh god why do I have such annoying sibling!"

Zero chuckled as he sipped his coffee and saw Lucia frustrated and run out quickly to not be late.

Zero - "She reminds me of you, if only you were still here…Yuki"

Zero put down his coffee mug and was getting his things ready as he heard a knock on the door.

Zero - "I wonder who that could be. Probably silly Maria leaving her books…"

He slowly turned the doorknob and opened the door to not Maria but…

Zero - "Kaname…"

He scowled at his face and was shocked he was even here. A hundred thoughts running through his mind but one that was was repeating was. The kids!

Kaname - "Hello Zero, aren't you going to let me in?"

Zero - "I'm afraid not, I don't let vampires into my home"

Kaname chuckled as he said this and took a step back away from the door.

Zero - "What do you want, Kaname?"

Kaname - "I just wanted to catch up with an old friend."

Zero - "We were never friends…"

Kaname - "Then I wanted to catch up with an old friend of my wife's"

Zero scoffed.

Zero - "Where is Yuki then?" Zero kept a straight face and composed himself making sure Kaname never knew what he knows.

Kaname - "Well Zero…I was hoping you could tell me that" he took a step closer to Zero and peeked inside and saw a picture of Eden and Maria grown up.

Zero noticed this and closed the door more, obstructing his vision.

Zero - "I wouldn't know. I haven't spoken to Yuki ever since…" He stayed silent, not wanting to talk about when he vowed to kill her. when she ended up sacrificing herself for her children…

Kaname - "Oh yes, that fateful day when the truth came out about…everything. I see you have moved on quite nicely, some cute kids you have. Where is the wife?"

Zero scowled more at him and looked at him with anger.

Zero - "She died during childbirth. Taro and Lucia are their names."

Kaname - "Oh dear so sorry for your loss, I have twins too maybe around your children's ages I would like to find them desperately but Yuki has seemed to have hidden them"

Zero stayed silent and listened to Kaname.

Kaname - "But I'll find them and once I do we will have to set up a meeting between your children and mine. I have another son but Eden my sweet Eden is exactly like me…."

Zero - "Another son? Yuki had three children?"

Kaname - "Oh no after Yuki left I needed…companionship and Ruka was there…anyways you might see him around as he is in the night class. You are teaching the night class, right?"

Zero - "yes I am but how did you.."

Kaname - "I must go Zero but it was a lovely time catching up, if you ever hear from Yuki you know where I am…"

Kaname disappears.

Zero takes a sharp breath in and slowly breathes out. He thinks to himself knowing thankfully Kaname does not think anything suspicious about Eden and Maria's set ups and he only thinks that Zero could still be i. contact with Yuki.

Zero picks up the picture of Eden, Maria and himself and stares at it deeply.

Zero - "He can never find out the truth Yuki…"


Lucia - "Oh god I am so late!"

Lucia then bumps into someone familiar.

Naito - "My books!"

Lucia - "I am so sorry! Let me pick them up"

Lucia picks up Naito's books and passes them to him.

Naito - "Thank you I appreciate you picking them up for me."

Lucia - "No problem! Wait…why aren't you in class right now?"

Naito - "We have just finished class, it's soon for the night class to take over"

Lucia - "oh no dad is going to be so mad at me!"

Naito - "I can help you with what you missed tomorrow lunch if you would like"

Lucia - "that would be great thank you sooo much!"

Lucia then remembers she needs to see Naito from the night class.

Lucia - "I have to go but I'll see you soon in the night class"

Naito looks at her confused but before he can ask he what she meant, she is already gone and he goes back to his dorm.

Lucia quickly runs outside of the night class dorms and waits for them to come out. She waits alongside all the drooling girls and then suddenly screams emerge.

The night class dorms gates open and they come out all dressed in the pristine white uniform. Lucia quickly spots Naito in his white uniform and doesn't understand how he got there so quickly! She grabs Naito's hand and pulls him towards her.

Lucia - "you better start telling me what's going on otherwise i'm seriously going to kick you where it hurts!"

Naito laughs and is clearly shocked from her response.

Naito - "okay okay calm down you fiesty girl"

Lucia calms down and patiently waits for Naito's explanation.

Naito - "Naito from day class is me and not me"

Lucia looks at him confused.

Naito - "Let me explain it better, I have a split personality. Day class Naito is in your everyday day classes and first saw you when you joined the school, whereas me who is night class Naito saw you when you were still…Maria" he whispered her name gently in her ear.

Lucia blushes and is shocked by this.

Lucia - "But but how come no one has realised this? I am sure no one is questioning this like me so how?!"

Naito tried to think of a better way to explain this without telling her he is a vampire.

Naito - "Well…magic but you can't tell anyone. That's why the night class exists, for those with magic."

Lucia was stunned, Naito couldn't believe it actually worked and she believed it but Lucia believed every word coming out of Naito's mouth.

Naito - "you can't tell anyone! i'm not even supposed to be telling you but i only told you because my magic ability to make Naito's appearance look different from mine to other people has not worked on you"

Lucia - "i promise i won't tell anyone Naito please count on me. I'll look after day class you and be friends with both of you"

Naito smiled and slightly chuckled.

Naito - "thank you lucia, i appreciate it. you should go, there is a person coming out of the night class dorms that you need to stay away from. he gives me bad juju."

Lucia - "okay okay i'll leave"

Lucia starts to walk away from the night class dorms and turns around to see who Naito was on about and notices it is the boy who noticed her the day before.

Lucia - "why would Naito warn me about this guy? he seemed so sweet yesterday"

Even though Lucia was looking from a pretty face distance, it seemed the boy noticed and waved. Lucia noticed him waving and found it strange as she didn't believe he was waving at her because she was so far away to even be seen. But who knows…he could have been waving at her….