Edward Anthony Masen, was born in 1901. And in the year 1902 his little brother Danny James Masen was born, he was a bit on the small size because Danny was born prematurely, which is why Edward is so overprotective of him.
They were as happy as siblings could be, This changed, however, when he, Edward and his parents became sick with the Spanish Influenza in 1918. His father died in the first wave of the influenza. Edward and Danny's mother later contracted the Spanish Influenza and begged the doctor who was taking care of them, Dr. Carlisle Cullen, to do everything within his power to save her sons. (Elizabeth: "You must do everything in your power. What others cannot do, that is what you must do for my Edward and little Danny.") Carlisle acted on her wishes when both Edward and Danny were near death themselves. Shortly after Elizabeth died, Carlisle took Edward and Danny from the hospital, and brought them to his house, there Carlisle changed them both into vampires.
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