"What in the name of Merlin's beard is it this time???"

Clyde asked for the umpteenth time as another earth nymph tried to communicate with him.

Anxious he turned to Syra in hope of finding some support from her, only to see the other party grinning at him like a fool.

'Do something!'

He mouthed.

It turned out that the same nymph had been trying to communicate to him for quite some time now yet he did not seem to understand what it was really trying to say.

"He was telling you to plant a different flower instead of that one that you have in your hand right now."

For Clyde's sake, Syra translated the message that the nymph was trying hard to relay.

"Wait a second. Something did not seem right here."

Clyde said as he rose from his feet and stood towering over Syra who was still kneeling on a cushion that the earth nymphs had brought her earlier to make her gardening experience a lot more comfortable.