the prophecy speaks

"Brylle Zaffiro is dead."

Nightmare. I woke up from a dream ... for a nightmare.

Chief Clive and the entire Terrashaw just waited for their Princess to wake up before they began the official funeral of the victims of the Hollowick surprise attack.

Many died in the Terrashaw population. Most were women and children. This is because of the creatures that attack them.

There are Soul-sucking Animus Reapers and have the ability to trace the smell of bloody Lux.

There are scary Bone-Eaters. This creature brought Myera and some other Wizards with them. That when it bites, it will not release you to eat your bones.

And there are Mud Creepers that are untouched by any Earth Spells and also don't just die manually.

Those monters are a natural enemy of the Lux Bloodline and the Terrashaw's. But what made the situation worse was the Dark Sorcerers who made their battles difficult.