Chapter 12: Terror of the Deep

After the group finished their ice creams Drake insisted on taking Yuma home, it was only midday but after that last duel Drake knew Yuma was in no condition to continue today. It also gave Drake a chance to continue with his real mission.

So after dropping Yuma off, he began to hunt for users of the Seal of Orichalcos.

He hunted around the back alleys, the abandoned warehouses, subways and other out of the way places. Those places without crowds, or cameras, or bots. And he found a surprising amount of lowlife duellists with underhanded ambitions and Heart Keys, which he naturally crushed, but unfortunately no Seal users.

There was also some of the more unpleasant elements which wanted things like simple theft or violence. But since Drake had a body granted to him by the Legendary Dragons, although he was no Superman, he had no problems dealing with them. He considered it a civic duty as he helped cleaned up the city of the riffraff.

It wasn't a total waste of time, he had managed to fill his Heart Key a fair bit and he now had a single green Heart Light, 19 more wins and he would have a golden heart. But more importantly he had also managed to pick up a three more Number Cards, which he immediately used to hasten Critias's recovery.

It was evening now and Drake was walking down an empty street as if he was just asking for trouble. In a way he was, but he had another purpose. After interrogating some of the disreputable duellists he had beat, he had heard about an infamous informant that was supposed to operate around these parts. If you wanted to know something about the cities underworld or to track down some 'exotic' goods, this was the man you wanted to talk to.

Drake wasn't willing to risk Akari and have her investigate for him, but he still had a fair number of gems. So he thought about trying his luck on the information black market, if he could actually find this guy that is, he was supposedly famous for his hideous taste in orange clothing.


Drake heard the sound of something crashing into a trash can from an alley to his right, just seconds before a skinny dude in a orange tracksuit came running out. Bingo! One terrified information broker running right practically into his lap. For once it turned out to be pretty easy to find the guy he wanted.

The guy spotted Drake almost immediately and actually threw himself at Drakes legs, begging as he threw glances behind him.

"Please help me!"

Drake turned to the alley way, and out from the shadows walked someone he didn't think he would find here. Reginald Kastle, the duellist also known as Shark. What was he doing here in his flash purple jacket?

"You want him?" Drake calmly asked while pointing to the trembling figure at his feet.

"Yes, so just walk away."

Drake ignored him for the moment, if he wanted information there was a better person here to ask.

"I told you everything I know already… Please! Let me go!"

"What does he want to know?" Drake asked the wailing informant.

"Will..will you help me?"

"Tell me what he wants and I will think about it." Drake promised.

"He.. he wants information on things called Number Cards, they-"

"I know what they are."

"I already gave him all the information I had… but he… he wants more…"

"Have you already collected them?" Drake asked Shark.

"Oh, so your interest in the Numbers too? Perhaps you already have one?" Shark asked in a predatory way.

Drake took that as a yes and turned once more to the informant, if he had already given Shark all the info he had on the Numbers then there was only one thing he wanted to ask now.

"You ever heard of the Seal of Orichalcos? Or of duellists entering comas after losing duels in strange circles of green light?"


Guess not. This guy didn't seem to be faking, how disappointing.

"Then scram." Drake said as he kicked the man away without turning his attention away from Shark.

"Hand over your Number if you know what good for you." Shark demanded.

"And if I don't?" Drake was amused, an ordinary person might be intimidated, but not him.

"Then I'll take it from you. You have no idea who you're dealing with."

"Oh, I have an idea Reginald, or do you prefer the name Shark?"

He ignored Drakes question, just giving Drake a glare. Fine Shark it was then.

"Then lets Duel!"

[Turn 1 - Shark LP:4000 Hand:5, Drake LP:4000 Hand:5]

"My move, I draw! I play and draw 2 more cards."

"From my hand I activate the field spell not only does this card give water attributed monsters a 200 point boost, but it also reduces their levels on the field and in our hands by 1."

The space surrounding them became filled with virtual flowing water as ancient ruins and coral rose from the ground and buildings around them.

"From my hand I Summon my , thanks to my field spell this monster is now a level 4 monster and does not need a tribute."

[Eagle Shark – Lv5 ATK:1100/DEF:2000 > Lv4 ATK:1300/DEF:2200]

"Because I control a face up Eagle Shark I can Special Summon from my hand in defence mode!"

[Panther Shark – Lv5 ATK:1000/DEF:1800 > Lv4 ATK:1200/DEF:2000]

"Now whoever you are, I end my turn with two facedown."

[Turn 2 - Drake LP:4000 Hand:5, Shark LP:4000 Hand:2]

"Well since you want to know, the names Drake. I Draw."

Looking at his hand Drake felt it was time to show off another of his original creations.

"From my hand I summon the mighty !"

[Blue-Eyes Kuriboh - Lv1 ATK:300/DEF:200]

"What the blazes is that!?" Shark exclaimed. The monster that appeared was just so outrageous.

"Kuri! Kuri!"

Drakes beast jumped up and down as it looked furiously at Shark who was looking at it in distain.

It looked basically like a Kuriboh in a cardboard Cos play dragon suit of a Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Tuffs of its brown fur stuck out through the gaps in the costume and its purple eyes fiercely looking through the cut out eye holes.

"You shouldn't underestimate my monster, its quite the actor. When Blue-Eyes Kuriboh is on the field or in the Graveyard its effect allows me to treat its name as Blue-Eyes White Dragon. And now I play fuse the Blue-Eyes White Dragon from my hand with my Blue-Eyes Kuriboh to Fusion summon the !"

[Blue-Eyes Twin Burst Dragon – Lv10 ATK:3000/DEF:2500]

This beast could only be fusion summon by using two Blue-Eyes White Dragons, but fortunately Drakes Blue-Eyes Kuriboh could be a substitute so long as it was on the field.

"Now my Twin Burst Dragon, attack Eagle Shark!"

"It's time to kick up a storm, I activate my face down trap ! This card stops your attack and then deals 800 damage for each face-up Fish, Sea Serpent, or Aqua-Type monster I control. So since I control two you now receive 1600 points of damage."

A surging wave of water crashed into Blue-Eyes Twin Burst Dragons attack stopping it in its tracks before smashing into Drake.

[Drake LP > 2400]

"If you think I'm washed up then you're far from the truth. My dragon can attack twice each turn. So I attack again, go Twin Stream of Destruction!"

"Not before I activate my other face down, the quick play spell and I'm using it on your dragon. It might give your dragon a 400 ATK boost but it also negates its effects, this lasts till the end of turn, meaning you lose its second attack!"

"Fine, I set one face down and end my turn."

[Turn 3 - Shark LP:4000 Hand:2, Drake LP:2400 Hand:2]

"I draw, next I summon . When summoned my sharks effect reduces the levels of all my level 4 fish type monsters by 1."

[Double Shark - Lv4 ATK:1200/DEF:1600 > Lv3 ATK:1400/DEF:1800]

"So thanks to my legendary ocean both my Panther Shark and Eagle Sharks which are level 4 now become level 3."

[Eagle Shark – Lv4 > 3, Panther Shark – Lv4 > 3]

"From the raging depths I unleash a true terror, with my level three Panther Shark and Eagle Shark I build the Overlay Network. I Xyz Summon rank 3 !"

[Number 47: Nightmare Shark – Rank 3 ATK:2000/DEF:2000 OU:2 > ATK:2200/DEF:2200]

"I now use my monsters second effect, by using one Overlay Unit, one of my monsters can attack you directly this turn, but my other monsters cannot attack. I select my Double Shark."

[Number 47: Nightmare Shark – OU:2 > 1]

Not a bad play Drake thought, Double Shark had another effect too, it could attack twice each turn meaning it could deal him a total 2800 points of direct damage. With only 2400 Life points that would end the duel.

"Attack my Double Shark, strike his life points directly!"

"Not a chance, I active my trap by sacrificing a dragon type monster I can destroy all monsters on the field with equal or less defence than the sacrificed monsters ATK. I sacrifice my Twin Burst Dragon to destroy all the monsters on the field."

Drakes Twin Burst Dragon took a deep breath unleashing a crimson sea of flames across the field, which burned Sharks monsters to ash before it was consumed in its own blaze.

"Urgh… your luck won't last forever. I finish with a facedown."

[Turn 4 - Drake LP:2400 Hand:2, Shark LP:4000 Hand:1]

That was close, but now Sharks field was clear for a direct attack.

"I draw. I play , this spell card allows me to draw three but then I must discard two."

Drake drew his cards and made his choice to discard.

"I discarded , this cards effect allows me to add a Blue-Eyes White Dragon to my hand."

"Now I summon in attack mode."

[Assault Wyvern – Lv4 ATK:1800/DEF:1000]

"I attack you directly with Assault Wyvern!"

"That's what you think, I activate the continuous trap , with this card on the field monsters that are level 4 or higher cannot declare a direct attack."

A screen of bubbles blasted out of the trap card to intercept Drakes dragon and stop the attack.

"I end my turn by playing one face down."

[Turn 5 - Shark LP:4000 Hand:1, Drake LP:2400 Hand:2]

"Draw! Then I summon , when this card is summoned it can special summon from my grave in defence mode but its effects are negated.

[Double Fin Shark - Lv4 ATK:1000/DEF:1200 > Lv3 ATK:1200/DEF:1400, Double Shark - Lv4 ATK:1200/DEF:1600 > Lv3 ATK:1400/DEF:1800]

"I set a card face down and end my turn."

Shark was calm and confident, he had the advantage and he was almost ready for his final attack to begin. Nothing would stand between him and his goal, once he gathered enough Numbers it would be easy to get his revenge.

[Turn 6 - Drake LP:2400 Hand:2, Shark LP:4000 Hand:0]

"I Draw."

Drake couldn't do much with what he currently had in hand and Shark still has a face down, but Drake wouldn't let it stop him.

"Assault Wyvern attack Double Fin Shark!"

"I activate my trap until the end of turn level 3 and lower water monsters cannot be destroyed by battle or card effects, that means my Double Fin is not destroyed."

"But you still take 600 points of damage."

[AW ATK:1800 > DFS ATK:1200 - Shark LP > 3400]

That closed the gap a bit but Drake was wary, Shark was obviously preparing for another Xyz summon, but what?

"I set a monster face down. Then end my turn."

[Turn 7 - Shark LP:3400 Hand:0, Drake LP:2400 Hand:2]

"I Draw. Next I summon ."

[Spear Shark - Lv4 ATK:1600/DEF:1400 > Lv3 ATK:1800/DEF:1600]

"When this card is normal summoned I can increase the level of all level 3 fish type monsters I control on the field by 1."

[Spear Shark – Lv3 > 4, Double Fin Shark – Lv3 > 4, Double Shark – Lv3 > 4]

"Appear crimson terror of the deep abyss, with these three monsters I build the Overlay Network to Xyz Summon !"

[Number 32: Shark Drake - Rank 4 ATK 2800/DEF:2100 OU:3 > ATK:3000/DEF:2300]

Here it was, one of Sharks strongest Numbers, its menacing red skin and four great wing like fins reminded Drake more of a dragon than the sea serpent it was.

"Now Shark Drake! Attack Assault Wyvern with Deep Sea Destruction!"

[N32 ATK:3000 > AW ATK:1800 - Drake LP > 1200]


Sharks ace monster sure packed a wallop Drake thought as it blasted him back a half dozen steps, and Drake knew worse was to come.

"Since my Shark Drake destroyed your monster I can now use its special ability, Once per turn when it destroys a monster in battle I can detach one Overlay Unit to special summon the monster I just destroyed back to your side of the field but it loses 1000 ATK points."

Drakes Assault Wyvern was dragged back from the Graveyard in attack mode.

[Number 32 Shark Drake – OU: 3 > 2, Assault Wyvern - ATK:1800 > 800]

"And not only that but my Shark Drake can attack again! Attack Assault Wyvern with Deep Sea Destruction and end this duel!"

"I activate my facedown, the trap I banish my Assault Wyvern to special summon the from my graveyard."

A pillar of flames engulfed Drakes Wyvern before disappearing to leave behind his most trusted beast.

[Blue-Eyes White Dragon – Lv8 ATK:3000/DEF:2500]

"Fine, if you think your dragon can scare me then you are wrong. I attack Blue-Eyes with Deep Sea Destruction!"

[N32 ATK:3000 > BEWD ATK:3000]

Both monsters had the same attack points but since Shark Drake is a Number it wouldn't be destroyed in battle against a non-Number.

Drake was glad he was familiar with Shark Drakes ability, otherwise he might have used his Dragons Rebirth earlier when Assault Wyvern was first attacked, if Shark had switch his first attack to his face down monster instead then he would have lost the duel on the second attack.

[Turn 8 - Drake LP:1200 Hand:2, Shark LP:3400 Hand:0]

Without any more faced downs or cards in Sharks hand this was Drakes best opportunity to end the duel, he just needed the right card.



"I play this allow me to draw until I have 5 cards. So I draw 3 cards."

Time to finish this duel.

"Next I summon to the field. Then I activate its effect, by discarding a second Blue-Eyes White Dragon in my hand to the Graveyard I can add to my hand."

[Keeper of Dragon Magic – Lv4 ATK:1800/DEF:1300]

"Next I play the spell . With this spell I tribute 2 Dragon monsters I control to special summon one Level 8 Dragon monster from my deck. So I sacrifice my and my face down to special summon my third ."

"Now I play . Witness the incredible creature of unsurpassed power, by banishing the Blue-Eyes on my field and the two in my graveyard I fusion summon !"

[Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon - Lv12 ATK:4500/DEF:3800]

The evolution of the original Blue-Eyes Ultimate dragon, the mighty three headed beast of destruction took to the field.


"What is THAT?!" Shark couldn't believe his eyes as he looked at the monster he was facing. Even his Number looked like a guppy next to it.

"Now my Neo Ultimate Dragon, attack Shark Drake with Neo Neutron Burst!"

Its entire body lit up as it unleashed its powerful breath attack on Shark Drake. The Number wouldn't be destroyed but Shark would still receive 1500 points of damage.

[NBEUD ATK:4500 > N32 ATK:3000 – Shark LP > 1900]


"Now I activate my Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon's ability, so long as it's the only face up card on my side of field, at the end of the damage step when it attacks I can send a Blue-Eyes fusion monster from my extra deck to the Graveyard to allow my monster to attack again. So I send the original to the grave. Go Neo Neutron Burst!"

This was why Drake went to the trouble getting rid of his other monsters for his third Blue-Eyes, if he had just wanted to summon his ultimate dragon he could have substituted his Kuriboh in the grave. But now he could make multiple attacks.

[NBEUD ATK:4500 > N32 ATK:3000 – Shark LP > 400]



"Third times the charm, because my dragon can use its effect twice a turn, so I send to the grave. Finish this! Neo Neutron Burst!"


[NBEUD ATK:4500 > N32 ATK:3000 – Shark LP > 0]

