Chapter 14: Dragons Bane.


"This time I'll go first!" Declared Hopkirk.

[Turn 1 – Hopkirk LP:4000 Hand:5, Drake LP:4000 Hand:5]

"I Draw, from my hand I reveal , by revealing this card during my Standby Phase I gain 500 Life Points."

[Hopkirk LP > 4500]

"Next a set a monster face down and two more face downs. After what you did to me, I'm going to enjoy watching your final moments when I crush you and the Seal takes your soul. I end my turn."

[Turn 2 – Drake LP:4000 Hand:5, Hopkirk LP:4500 Hand:3]

"What I did to you? You were the one who targeted me, tried to tamper with my deck, and it was your own stupid play that let me win so easily. Not only did I not report you, but I didn't even bother to give you a second thought, so what did I do to you? I draw."

"What did you do? You humiliated me, me the master Insect Duellist. I was one of the top contenders invited to the duel carnival, I won last years regional championship, I was runner up in the Nationals. I was famous! I was admired and you ruined it! You crushed me like an amateur, and although you didn't report me someone else did after seeing you throw those cards away."

"I've been disqualified, they are investigating all my previous accomplishments and my reputation is mud. Those duellists that once looked up to me now can't wait to spit on my face!"

Drake still didn't understand, it still sounded like he brought it all on himself and if he had always been cheating then he deserved what he got. Obviously, this was one of those idiots who never took any responsibility for their own actions. But with the Seal he was a dangerous idiot. However, Drake was more worried about the ones watching with the drones.

New Order.

"I play , I draw 3 then discard 2. And since I discarded my this allow me to add to my hand."

"You're so predictable. You fell into my trap." Hopkirk gleefully cried.


"I active my trap by paying 1000 Life points, I declare a level and then you reveal your hand. I then select a monster with the level I declared from among your cards and banish it. So I declare level 8, like I said you are predictable, you always go for your precious Blue-Eyes. Show me your hand."

[Hopkirk LP > 3500]

Drake had no choice, he revealed his hand of seven cards, x2, , , , and .

Oh No! Drakes Dragon Eye had finished analysing Hopkirks trap and it told him some terrible news.

"So I now choose your Blue-Eyes to banish, but it gets worse. My trap also banishes all the cards with the same name in your hand and deck from the game as well. So say good bye to all your favourite dragons."

Drake was force to banish all three of his Blue-Eyes White Dragons from the game. This was a heavy blow; they were the core his deck was built around.

Looking at Drakes pained expression Hopkirk couldn't help but laugh.

"I told you, you are predictable, and thanks to New Order I had all the data on the duels you've played and I built this deck just to defeat you!"

Hopkirk couldn't help but brag, after all New Order had even provided him with all the rare and powerful cards he requested to build this deck with.

"Don't celebrate too soon, I still have some tricks up my sleeve. I summon in attack mode."

[Assault Wyvern – Lv4 ATK:1800 > 1300 /DEF:1000]

"Now attack his face down!"

"You attacked my , when it's destroyed I can special summon an Insect with an ATK of 1500 or less from my deck, so I summon a second Howling Insect to the field in defence mode."

[Howling Insect – Lv3 ATK:1200/DEF:1300]

[AW ATK:1800 > HI DEF:1300]

After Drakes dragon destroyed Hopkirks beast a second appeared to take its place, but then Drakes own dragon began to transform into particles of light.

"My monster also has a special ability, when it destroys a monster in battle I can tribute it to special summon a Dragon from my hand. So come forth .

[Deep of Blue-Eyes – Lv8 ATK:2500/DEF:2500]

A new and graceful Blue-Eyes with four angel like feathered wings appeared on the field. Standing in an upright, almost human like, position.

"My Dragons effect then activates, when its special summoned to the field I can add a ritual spell or to my hand if I have a Blue-Eyes White Dragon on the field or in the Graveyard. So I add a to my hand."

"You can't." Protested Hopkirk. "I just banished all your Blue-Eyes!"

"True, but I have a friend in my graveyard, my ! It was the other card I discarded with my Graceful Charity, and its effect means its name is treated as Blue-Eyes White Dragon so long as it's on the field or in the Grave."

"Now Deep of Blue-Eyes attack his Howling Insect!"

[DoBE ATK:2500 > HI DEF:1300]

"My insects effect activates again, this time I special summon to the field."

[Ultimate Insect LV3 – Lv3 ATK:1400/DEF:900]

"I set two cards face down and end my turn, when I do my dragon activates its second effect, I add a level 8 or high monster from my deck to my hand, so I add to my hand."

[Turn 3 – Hopkirk LP:3500 Hand:3, Drake LP:4000 Hand:3]

"I Draw, I again reveal , so I gain 500 Life Points."

[Hopkirk LP > 4000]

"Then I activate my Ultimate Insects ability, during the standby phase I can send this card to the grave to special summon the from my deck in attack mode."

[Ultimate Insect LV5 – Lv5 ATK:2300/DEF:900]

The caterpillar like insect split its back open as a new and more evolved version spread its transparent wings and took to the field.

"And because my insect was summoned by the effect of Ultimate Insect LV3 my Lv5 insects ability activates, this means all your monsters on the field lose 500 ATK so long as my monster is in play."

[Deep of Blue-Eyes - ATK:2500 > 2000]

"Now witness the card of your defeat. I play which gives my monsters a 500 ATK boost."

[Ultimate Insect LV5 – ATK:2300 > 2800]

The Seal erupted into being, surrounding them as its power filled the air. It turned Drakes stomach sour as he watched its cursed sign appear on Hopkirks forehead and his monsters. Why would anyone use such a twisted card?

"Now I summon my ."

[Leghul – Lv1 ATK:300 > 800/DEF:350]

"Time to feel the sting of defeat, Ultimate Insect LV5 attack Drakes Deep of Blue-Eyes! Buzz cutter!"

[UILV5 ATK:2800 > DoBE ATK:2000, Drake LP > 3200]

Drakes dragon was sliced to ribbons by wind blades blasted from the flying insects wings.

"Then Leghul will attack you directly."

[Leghul ATK:800, Drake LP > 2400]


Hopkirks worm sunk his mandibles into Drakes arm, drawing actual blood under the power of the Seal.

"Soon you will know real torment. Then I end my turn with a facedown."

Torment, right. It was obvious the idiot didn't understand the real power of the Seal, if he did then he would be using his back row to protect a weaker monster like Leghul. Not that Drake was going to tell him that.

[Turn 4 – Drake LP:2400 Hand:3, Hopkirk LP:4000 Hand:1]

"I draw…" This was turning out to be a lot tougher on his body than even his Numbers duel against Kite, after all his only other Orichalcos duel had ended before his opponent could make a single attack.

"By the way, how do you expect to get any information from me if you do win this duel?" Drake asked.

"They tell me they have their methods don't worry, and it's not if, it's when I win this duel. You have no hope." Hopkirk confidently replied.

"We'll see about that. I play the ritual spell ! Now by-"

"Not so fast! I activate my face down, by discarding my Golden Lady Bug I can negate the activation of your spell card. So no Chaos Dragon for you."

Blast this cockroach! It seems he really had built a deck just to counter his, but he wouldn't give up Drake thought. Since he didn't seem to understand all of the Seal abilities then he would take advantage of it.

"I summon ."

"Don't forget my insect ability means it loses 500 ATK." Hopkirk reminded him with a smirk.

[Alexandrite Dragon – Lv4 ATK:2000 > 1500 DEF:100]

"Now my dragon attacks your Leghul!"

"Oh no it won't, I active my trap, now thanks to this continuous trap level 4 and high monster can't attack."

"But that means your own Ultimate Insect can't attack." Drake said in confusion.

"So? Even if you have a strong monster to defend my Leghul can still attack you directly each turn, and from my analysis of your deck the only monsters you have that are level 3 or lower are too weak to hurt my bug even without the effect of my Ultimate Insect. I won't let you make a comeback."

"You!! I activate my face down , I banish my Alexandrite Dragon to return to the field from the grave. With its effect I add a to my hand, then I end my turn and use my dragons effect to add to my hand as well."

[Deep of Blue-Eyes – Lv8 ATK:2500 > 2000 DEF:2500]

"Yes that all you can do isn't it."

[Turn 5 – Hopkirk LP:4000 Hand:0, Drake LP:2400 Hand:4]

"Oh how I am enjoying this, revenge and the promise of power all in one neat package. I hope they are recording this, I will probably want a copy for myself. I draw."

"Now I activate my Lv5 insects special ability to trade it in for another new beast, come forth !"

Once more Hopkirks beast shed its outer exoskeleton to emerge in its most powerful form. And thanks to the seal it received an addition 500 ATK.

[Ultimate Insect LV7 – Lv7 ATK:2600 > 3100 /DEF:900]

"And like my previous insect, when summon by my LV5's ability my new monster now strips your monsters of 700 ATK and DEF points.

[Deep of Blue-Eyes – ATK:2500/DEF:2500 > ATK:1800/DEF:1800]

"I set a card facedown then have my Leghul attack you directly."

[Leghul ATK:800, Drake LP > 1600]

Once more Hopkirks worm took a bite out of Drake.

"I end my turn."

[Turn 6 – Drake LP:1600 Hand:4, Hopkirk LP:4000 Hand:0]

"I Draw. I activate the spell , by sending my Chaos MAX dragon to the grave I can draw two cards."

Here it comes!

"Time for you to find out you can't keep a good dragon down, from my hand I activate my 's effect, by revealing it and my level 8 I can special summon both in defence mode but their effects are negated."

[Nebula Dragon – Lv8 ATK:2000 > 1300 /DEF:0, Dragon Spirit of White – Lv8 ATK:2500/DEF:2000 > ATK:1800/DEF:1300]

"So what? If you had normal summoned your Spirit of White then you could have banished my Gravity Bind, but this? What use is it without its special ability."

"I guess you don't know everything about my deck after all. I'm about to turn this duel around. I use my level 8 Deep of Blue-Eyes, Nebula Dragon and Dragon Spirit of White to build the Overlay Network. Now Appear, Rank 8 !!!"


Once again Drakes dragon took flight against the power of the Seal of Orichalcos.

[Blue-Eyes Starlight Dragon – Rank 8 ATK:3000/DEF:2500 > ATK:2300/1800 OU:3]

"An XYZ monster? But that's not in the data!"

As Hopkirk screamed Drakes dragon let out a pulse of power that the New Order had not prepared for, as it rushed out it fried all of the camera drones transmitting the duel. Now at least Drake didn't have to worry as much about revealing his secrets.

"You shouldn't be so surprised, I even have a couple of Numbers at my disposal after all. Or didn't they tell you that? Guess they don't trust you after all. As you know Xyz monsters have ranks not levels, so your Gravity Bind is useless against my dragon."

Hopkirk looked flustered.

"Now lets get rid of your monsters, I use one Overlay Unit to activate my Starlight Dragons special ability to destroy one monster on the field. So first say farewell to your Ultimate Insect. Star Fall!"

Swallowing an Overlay Unit Drakes dragon took to the skies to fire of a massive fireball at the flying insect and destroyed it. Unfortunately it wouldn't deal any damage because the Overlay Unit wasn't a Blue-Eyes White Dragon. But with the destruction of the Ultimate Insect, Drakes monsters would no longer have their attack drained.

[Blue-Eyes Starlight Dragon – ATK:3000/DEF:2500 OU:3 > 2]

"Ha ha ha. Looks like you really have a bad memory, you fell for another of my traps! Of course I knew about your dragon! Since you destroyed my Insect I activate my trap, to destroy your dragon!"

No! He had been tricked again. Drake didn't even have a chance to destroy Leghul and he already lost his dragon. This was bad, but he still had a play to make.

"I activate . This spell allows me to special summon a normal Dragon from my Graveyard. Thanks to my Dragon Spirit of White's effect it's treated a normal monster when in my hand or the grave, so I can use Sliver's Cry to bring it back to the field."

[Dragon Spirit of White – Lv8 ATK:2500/DEF:2000]


"You know what this means, when this dragon is normal or special summoned its effect activates allowing me to banish one of your spell or trap cards. So I banish your Gravity Bind."

Drake wished he could get rid of the Seal itself, but having examined it closely with his Dragon Eye ability over the duel Drake had learned that the Seal of Orichalcos of this world was not only protected from destruction effects, but banishment as well. Was the original Seal this strong and he had never known, or had it been improved since the last battle with the Legendary Dragons?

He hadn't noticed in his duel with Chapman because it had been too short and honestly Drake had been a bit arrogant, believing he knew everything he needed about the Seal already. He would have to remember to be careful about that, the histories he knew and events of this world were not the same, no matter how similar they were.

Whatever the case Drake was once again glad of his Dragon Eye, without it he might have wasted an important move.

"Now Dragon Spirit of White, attack his Leghul with White Spirit Blaze!"

[DSoW ATK:2500 > Leghul ATK:800 – Hopkirk LP > 2300]

"I end my turn."


"What happened?" Proteus the Golden General of New Order asked a nameless grunt operating the video system.

"Sir…we lost the signal. A power surge has taken the drones offline."

"That means the Network Blocker is also offline." Proteus stated. He as New Orders quartermaster knew better than anyone here the capabilities of New Orders equipment. Those camera drones weren't only a monitoring device but had been equipped with a special system to isolate a duel from the city's duel network, the means by which Heartland and Dr Faker monitored all the duels in the city.

The Network Blocker.

"Yes sir…"

Their informants had told them of the progress Faker was making in studying the power the Orichalcos released in a duel, which was why they had begun to deploy the blockers in the first place. They dare not underestimate Dr Fakers scientific genius nor allow him the chance to study the power of the Seal in detail. It could ruin everything.

But to think that the new blockers could actually be so fragile…

"Oh well, funs over I suppose." The Orichalcos King said lightly, seemingly unconcerned. But his next words chilled the hearts of those around him, revealing his displeasure.

"Make sure whoever approved such a poor design is offered to the Great Beast."

"Yes Sir!"

Now all they could do was wait and see just which soul the Seal would end up claiming. Would it be the prey, or the bait?

Of course, no matter who won New Order would be the true victor.