Chapter 18: Dance of the Butterflies.

In the crumbling ruins of what was once a top secret base of the Black Elite, a Black Ops security force of Hartland City, Captain Dextra of the Black Elite was blocking the invading forces of New Order from reaching the base main control centre as her subordinates retreated out of a secret escape tunnel.

She was duelling Reginald Kastle, also known as the duellist Shark and the new Blue General of New Order as the Black General Wyvern and her troop watched from the sides. On Dextra's side of the field was a face down monster and another face down. Shark's field held the spells The Seal of Orichalcos and Sea Lord's Amulet along with the monster Number: 47 Nightmare Shark in defence, the power of the Seal infusing it with an addition 500ATK.

[Number 47: Nightmare Shark – Rank 3 ATK:2500/DEF:2000 OU:2]

Alarms were blaring in the background. It was Dextra's turn.

[Turn 3 - Dextra LP:4000 Hand:3, Shark LP:4000 Hand:1]

"I Draw."

Dextra thought it was time to see just how accurate their data on the Seal was.

"I activate my face down this trap card destroys as many face up spells and trap cards as possible then for each one destroyed we both receive 300 points of damage."

An ethereal windstorm burst across the field from Dextra's trap. It shattered Sharks 'Sea Lords Amulet', but as it collided with the Seal the winds were reflected away like a wave crashing against a unmovable mountain.

"Heh, if you thought that would help you, you're wrong. The Seal of Orichalcos cannot be destroyed or banished by card effects." Shark boasted.

Dextra was a bit disappointed but not surprised.

"But your amulet is still destroyed so we each take 300 damage."


The churning winds blasted back against Shark and Dextra in their fury.

[Dextra LP:4000 > 3700, Shark LP:4000 > 3700]

"Next I summon to the field, and when I do I then special summon from my hand as well."

[Morpho Butterspy – Lv4 ATK:1200/DEF:1600, Blue Mountain Butterspy – Lv4 ATK:0 /DEF:1700]

Two blue winged butterfly warriors took to the field, dancing in the air.

"Now I will use my two level four monsters to build the Overlay Network and Xyz summon the star lit butterfly, rank 4 !"

[Photon Papilloperative – Rank 4 ATK:2100/DEF:1800 OU:2]

From the swirling black spiral rose a warrior with black and purple butterfly wings and armour that glowed with the same photon power that flowed through Kites monsters. Its Overlay units gracefully orbiting it with a purple glow.

"I activate my Photon Papilloperative's effect. By sending one Overlay Unit to the grave I can switch a monster you control in defence mode to attack position, it then loses 600ATK. Go Mystify Menace!"

Dextra's monster absorbed one of its Overlay Units into its wings before blasting out a gust of poisonous powder against Sharks Number. As it stood tall one again patches of its blue skin turn pale and grey like a sickness.

[Photon Papilloperative – OU: 2 > 1. Number 47: Nightmare Shark – ATK:2500 > 1900]

"And now I attack, go Vivid Swarm!" Dextra commanded.

From her Papilloperatives wings emerged a swam of butterflies made of photon light that proceeded to rain down on Sharks monster like a laser storm.

[PP ATK:2100 > N47 ATK:1900 – Shark LP > 3500]

"But my Number is still standing because it can't be destroyed in battle with a non-Number." Shark snarled.

"I set a face down and end my turn."

"Ha ha ha… having problems boy?" Wyvern mocked Shark.

They may be on the same side, and for her kings sake Shark had better win. But she had no problem in seeing this spoilt child embarrass himself first. Revenge this, Sister that. All that really mattered in this world was power. The sooner the kid grew up and understood this the better, for New Order and her King.

[Turn 4 - Shark LP:3500 Hand:1, Dextra LP:3700 Hand:1]

"Shut up and watch, I draw. Then I play to draw two more cards. Get ready Dextra, for what you did to my sister, you're in for a world of hurt."

"Boast all you want, you're not getting past me."

Shark may have both the Seal and powerful Number cards, but he was so easy for Dextra to read. And the angrier he got the more he fell into her traps.

"I summon to the field, and then I can special summon the in my grave to the field. Because it was summoned from the grave its level increases by 1."

[Right-Hand Shark – Lv4 ATK:1500 > 2000/DEF:1300, Left-Hand Shark – Lv3 > 4 ATK:1300 > 1800/DEF:1500]

Two sharks surged to the field with iron spikes which gave their heads the shapes of claws. Apart from their eyes, one set blue, one set yellow they seemed to be mirror images of each other.

"Now with these two monsters I Xyz summon, the titan of the depths, !"

[Bahamut Shark – Rank 4 ATK:2600 > 3100/DEF:2100 OU:2]

From the swirling Overlay Network rose Sharks aquatic titan. Its presence no less than Sharks Number. As its two Overlay units orbited it, they began to bathe the monster in a neon blue glow.

"And that's not all, thanks to Right-Hand Sharks effect my Bahamut Shark cannot be destroyed in battle and with Left-Hand Sharks effect it cannot be destroyed by card effects."

Protection from battle and card effects?! That meant that Sharks new monster was almost invincible.

"Now Bahamut Shark, attack Photon Papilloperative with God Voice!"


Sharks new monster let loose a roar of sonic power towards Dextra's monster, however…

"You never learn and you shall not pass. I activate this trap forces all our attack position monsters into defence position."

A security gate with flashing red lights rose up in front of her, its ringing sirens blocked Bahamut Shark's sonic attack before causing both Dextra and Sharks monsters to stumble backwards into defence mode.

"You can't stop me forever, with the Seal of Orichalcos I'm too powerful! Did you know that the Seal grants me a second row for my monsters? And once per turn during my main phases I can move a monster that hasn't yet attacked from the front to the back row or vice versa. So now I move Number 47 to my back row and so long as I have a monster on the front row you are not allowed to attack any monster on my back row. I then set a card face down and end my turn."

Nightmare Shark moved backwards and took up a position behind Shark as his Bahamut remained in front.

[Turn 5 - Dextra LP:3700 Hand:1, Shark LP:3500 Hand:1]

"I Draw."

Dextra was surprised at this new feature of the Seal, it wasn't in the data she had seen. But she kept her calm, it didn't change what she needed to do. She would fulfil her mission and protect her men… she would protect Kite.

Meanwhile Wyvern was growing more and more interested in this Dextra. In her eyes Shark was but a child lashing out at an unfair world in a temper tantrum. But Dextra? She maintained such calm and control over the duel under such circumstances that Wyvern couldn't help but admire her as a fellow woman.

A pity she was on the loosing side.

"I play , for each Xyz monster on the field I now draw 1 card. So since we have a total of three Xyz monster between us, I now draw three."

"Next a switch my Photon Papilloperative back into attack position and once more activate its effect. This time I will target your Bahamut Shark! Go Mystify Menace!"

[Photon Papilloperative – OU: 1 > 0. Bahamut Shark – ATK:3100 > 2500]

Now Bahamut Shark was sporting the same motley grey patches across its body as Nightmare Shark under the effect of Dextra's Photon Papilloperatives poison.

"Then I will just set three face downs and end my turn."

[Turn 6 - Shark LP:3500 Hand:1, Dextra LP:3700 Hand:1]

"Pointless resistance. I draw!"

Shark felt frustrated, like he was being toyed with. He had to crush this woman, for his revenge, his anger, his pride. He would destroy her with overwhelming power and prove to Wyvern and New Order just how strong he was.

"I activate Bahamut Shark's special ability, Divine Soul! By using one Overlay Unit and forgoing its ability to battle this turn I can special summon a rank 3 or lower Xyz water monster from my extra deck. Take to the field !"

[Shark Caesar – Rank 3 ATK:1800 > 2300/DEF:2000 OU:0. Bahamut Shark – OU: 2 > 1]


With a howling cry a great geyser burst upwards and from it Sharks new beast swam onto the field through the roiling torrent. Shark summoned his new purple and gold-plated monster to the front row.

With the nearly indestructible Bahamut Shark on the front row it would make the back untouchable. So why summon this new menace to the front? Dextra thought.

"Now I play my own and since we now have four Xyz monster out, that means I draw four cards. See Dextra, I will always be stronger than you, smarter than you, better than you."

Wyvern chuckled. Seems like the Seal was not only inflating his monsters attack, but his ego as well. It was clear to her just who was really in charge of this duel at the moment.

"Talk less and duel more if you have the skill, you freemason wannabe." Dextra taunted. The angrier Shark became the better she would be able to control this duel.

"Fine. I summon to my back row and then I uses its effect to special summon my Right-Hand Shark back to the field from my grave on the back row in defence but its effects are negated."

[Double Fin Shark – Lv4 ATK:1000 > 1500/DEF:1200, Right-Hand Shark – Lv4 ATK:1500 > 2000/DEF:1300]

For that card to be in the graveyard it must have been the Overlay Unit Bahamut Shark just used.

"Now I switch Nightmare Shark to attack mode and move it back to the front row. Its chow time Shark Caesar, go Emperor's Might!"

Shark Caesar charged forwards, its gaping mouth ready to take a bite out of Dextra's monster.

"I activate my trap so long as I control a Photon monster I can target a Xyz monster on my field, I can then special summon a Photon Xyz monster from my extra deck that is four ranks higher by rebuilding the Overlay network with my Xyz monster. So with my rank 4 Photon Papilloperative I call forth the rank 8 !"

[Photon Titania Papilloperative Empress – Rank 8 ATK:2800/DEF:1900 OU:1]

With one butterfly warrior plunging into a spiral of golden light, a new noble fairy empress soon emerged. Her wings of photon energy filled the corridor as she looked down at Shark with her butterfly masked face.

If Shark continued his attack against her it would only back fire.

"Fine, I switch my attack to your face down monster."

[Moonlit Papillon – Lv4 ATK:1200/DEF:1600]

[SC ATK:2300 > MP DEF:1600]

With a crunch Dextra's face down butterfly was chomped to bits.

"You destroyed my , when this happens its effect allows me to special summon a level 4 or lower Butterspy from my deck. So behold my ."

[Swallowtail Butterspy – Lv4 ATK:1800/DEF:1200]

"In that case I attack your Swallowtail with my Nightmare Shark!"

"Same old fool, you didn't event stop to consider why I summoned it in attack mode. I activate my trap and I equip this trap to my Swallowtail to raise its attack by 500."

[Swallowtail Butterspy – ATK:1800 > 2300]

[N47 ATK:1900 > SB ATK:2300, Shark LP > 3100]

Armed with its new chain blade Dextra's orange winged butterspy smashed Sharks Number away turning the tables round and forcing Number 47 back to lick its wounds.

Wyvern was torn, on one hand she just wanted to laugh at what a fool Shark was making of himself, on the other she was getting worried that Shark really wasn't up to the task her king had given. His lose would mean the failure of her mission and a stain on her reputation.

"Arrgh! I set two cards face down and end my turn."

This was why Shark had to move his Nightmare Shark back to the front row, although the Seal gave him a back row it in fact took the place of his empty spell and trap card zones, the more monsters he had in the back the less traps he could set. Right now his back row was filled by three face downs and two monster.

[Turn 7 - Dextra LP:3700 Hand:1, Shark LP:3100 Hand:2]

"I draw, next I play this spell attaches itself to a Xyz monster as an overlay unit so I choose my Photon Titania."

[Photon Titania Papilloperative Empress – OU 1 > 2]

"Next I activate my Empresses special ability, by using one overlay unit I can force all your monsters to change their battle position, Bewitching Gaze. When this happens its second effect activates. Each time a monster you control changes its battle position it loses 500 ATK, go Submit to the Empress!"

A blinding golden glow came from Dextra's monster, forcing Sharks monsters to submit to its will. As they did so black veins began to spread across their bodies.

[Double Fin Shark – ATK:1500 > 1000, Right-Hand Shark – ATK:2000 > 1500, Shark Caesar – ATK:2300 > 1800, Bahamut Shark – ATK:2500 > 2000, Number 47: Nightmare Shark – ATK:1900 > 1400]

"What?!" Exclaimed Shark as all his monsters just lost a chunk of their attack points.

"The fun is just getting started, because I can do this all over again! Bewitching Gaze!"

Sharks monsters returned once more to their original battle positions, and again Photon Titania stripped them of 500 ATK.

[Double Fin Shark – ATK:1000 > 500, Right-Hand Shark – ATK:1500 > 1000, Shark Caesar – ATK:1800 > 1300, Bahamut Shark – ATK:2000 > 1500, Number 47: Nightmare Shark – ATK:1400 > 900]

"NO!" with just one move all of Sharks monster had lost 1000 attack each and two of his Xyz monsters had already been weakened by 600 previously.

"Now with my Photon Titania I attack-"

"Hold on! You're not the only one with a trap, go this trap has two effects. Until end of turn all rank 3 or lower Xyz monster gain 500 ATK, while all rank 4 and high Xyz monsters cannot attack."

Shark was smug at pulling one over on Dextra.

[Shark Caesar – ATK:1300 > 1800, Number 47: Nightmare Shark – ATK:900 > 1400]

"In that case I attack your Shark Caesar with my Swallowtail Butterspy! Vivid Chain!" Dextra declared.

Her Butterspy lashed out with its 'Kunai with Chain', wrapping up Shark Caesar before blasting it with a whirlwind of poison scales.

[SB ATK:2300 > SC ATK:1800, Shark LP > 2600]

Sharks monster was destroyed, but not for long.

"Go, I play the trap ! I can use this card to revive the Shark Caesar you just destroyed."

[Shark Caesar – Rank 3 ATK:1800 > 2300/DEF:2000 OU:0]

This time Shark summoned it to the back row. But the question Dextra had was, had Shark set up his monster to be destroyed with his previous actions just to revive it again? If so why? There had to be more to Sharks play.

"I end my turn."

[Turn 8 - Shark LP:2600 Hand:2, Dextra LP:3700 Hand:1]

"I draw. I move Nightmare Shark to the back row, next I summon to the field."

[Spear Shark – Lv4 ATK:1600 > 2100/DEF:1400]

"Appear crimson terror of the deep abyss, with my level 4 Spear Shark, Double Fin Shark and Right-Hand Shark I build the Overlay Network to Xyz Summon !"

[Number 32: Shark Drake - Rank 4 ATK 2800 > 3300/DEF:2100 OU:3]

Sharks signature crimson Number took to the field on the front row, but as the Seal of the Orichalcos marked it and filled it with new power for a moment it seemed to be suffering from some mysterious pain and it wasn't the only one. Shark too felt a stabbing pain in his head as his second Number took to the field.

The watching Wyvern saw this and couldn't help but wonder if the power of the Number Cards and the Power of the Seal weren't actually compatible with each other. New Order only had a few other Numbers that had all been handed to their king so they really had no idea if this reaction would be typical.

She grinned, happy at Sharks suffering. But she had to be sure to inform her king before he befell a similar fate.

Although Shark was in pain he wouldn't let that stop his revenge.

"I activate the second effect of my in the graveyard. By banishing it I can target a water Xyz monster I control and then use it to rebuild the overlay Network and special summon a Water Xyz that is one rank higher from my extra deck attaching the other monster and its overlay units to it. So I use my rank 4 Bahamut Shark to summon the rank 5

[Number 94: Crystalzero – Rank 5 ATK:2200 > 2700/DEF:1600 OU:2]


Ripping pain flowed through Shark as his third Number took to the field on the front row. It seemed each successive Number would significantly magnify the pain caused due to the interaction between the Seal and the power of the Numbers.

This pleased both the women watching, if for different reasons.

"Arrgh, I activate Number 94's effect. By using on Overlay Unit I can cut one of your monsters attack points in half till the end of turn. Crystal Eraser, Half the attack of Dextra's Photon Titania!"

[Number 94: Crystalzero – OU 2 > 1]

[Photon Titania Papilloperative Empress – ATK:2800 > 1400]

A wave of frost surged over Dextra's Photon Titania, coating her body and wings in a layer of ice and crippling her strength.

"Now Shark Drake, attack Photon Titania!"