Chapter 39: Numbers.

"Allow me to introduce myself Shark, with these three monsters I form the Overlay Network, to Xyz summon myself! Number 96: Dark Mist!"

[Number 96: Dark Mist – Rank 2 ATK:100/DEF:1000 OU:3]

The three monsters transformed into streaks of purple light that plunged into the black vortex of the Overlay Network, following which a black ooze bubbled up from its depths. Stretching, twisting and morphing it transformed into its monstrous black form, streaks of flames bellowed out of its chest like a pair of giant sinister eyes as its tail whipped around and it waved its great massive claws through the air.

Shark had seen many Numbers, in many forms, many of his own were fearsome and bloodthirsty images of brutality, but something about this Number before him sent a shiver through Shark soul. It took a few moments for what this duellist that looked like Yuma had said to register with him.

"You… summon yourself…? Does that mean you… are a Number?"

"Hahahaha! Yes! Didn't you demand to know where Yuma's body was? Well its right here! I think it suits me quite nicely, how about you?" Number 96 gleefully mocked.

Number 96 was different from most of the other Numbers that had been scattered, he had always known that he was special, that he was more powerful, that he was destined for greatness! And ever since he had been freed from Astral's being he had followed this conviction to tread the path beyond that of a king, an emperor… a god…

But fate was cruel to his ambitions. As part of his plan he had at tried to claim Astral's body and power for himself and failed! Defeated by one of Yuma's pathetic friends, he had been sealed and supressed by Astral until he was helpless and powerless. But then he had received a second chance when that same 'friend' that had defeated him had ended up taking the boys soul and Astral was captured by New Order.

What a delicious twist in Number 96's opinion. That the instrument of his capture was also the instrument of his freedom.

He clearly remembered that moment, Yuma's body lying on the cold floor, his friends scattered around him wallowing in despair. The one responsible trapped in an endless nightmare by the magnificent power of the one he had tried to betray, the Orichalcos King. The thought of such power practically turned Number 96's eyes green with envy, one day he swore that he would have that kind of power for himself.

After New Order had left, after Drake had followed them, then Number 96 had acted. Having secreted himself into Yuma's deck between the point where the boy had lost and the point in which Astral had been captured by the Gold General, it was a simple matter once everyone who could have stopped him had left, to fill Yuma's empty vessel with his own power and will.

If he had not feared that one of them would soon return and threaten his new freedom, then Number 96 would have taken his time to properly deal with those friends of Yuma. To show them the true depths of despair. Instead, after a small demonstration of his power he had fled. To bide his time and gather the powers more Number Cards so that he could take his revenge on Astral once and for all.

He already had Astral's precious Yuma and one day he would have all the Numbers, he would have Astral, he would have the power of the Orichalcos. One day he would have it all and rule over everything! It was his destiny!

"What are you planning to do with Yuma?!" Shark demanded of the body snatching Number.

"Do? Ha! Exactly what I am doing right now of course. Why should I waste time manipulating a puppet to gather Number cards when I can do it myself. And this WDC is such a… opportunity…" The Number said as it reached into its shirt to take out and show Shark his Golden Heart Key.

Everyone had the same idea of using the WDC to gather together all the Number cards for themselves, so why wouldn't Number 96 have the same idea. And by using Yuma's identity as competitor it was ridiculously simple to execute its plan. To duel in Yuma's stead, gathering Heart Lights while also collecting Number cards for his own use had been easy, his only problem was the unrelenting pursuit of Drake these past few days.

An ordinary person would never believe in the idea that a card could have a spirit capable of stealing the body of a person who had had their soul taken by yet another card. To the uninformed, the WDC and the eyes of the world, Number 96 was now Yuma Tsukumo.

"And speaking of duelling, it's time to continue our game. I attack your Depth Shark with Dark Mist! Whiplash Whirlwind! When I do so I can activate its effect, by using one Overlay unit my monster now steals half of your monster attack points. Shadow Gain!"

Black tendrils shot out and wrapped around Sharks monster which pulsated as they absorbed the creatures strength.

[Number 96: Dark Mist – ATK:100 > 1500 OU: 3 > 2, Depth Shark – ATK:2800 > 1400]

Raising its claws Dark Mist prepared to strike down its foe, but as its claws struck down it was driven away by a golden force.

"What's this?!" Exclaimed Number 96.

"Just something called ! It prevents the destruction of my monster this turn in the battle phase" explained Shark as he activated his trap card.

[N96 ATK:1500 > DS ATK:1400 - Shark LP > 3900]

"In that case I set two cards and end my turn. At which point your monsters effect ends dropping its attack."

[Depth Shark – ATK:1400 > 700]

[Turn 3 – Shark LP:3900 Hand:3, Number 96 LP:4000 Hand:0]

"For all your big talk I am not impressed, I draw. Next I play to draw two more cards."

Looking at his cards Shark felt the presence of Number 32 stir, this Dark Mist in front of him was provoking Shark Drakes ire. It could not ignore the blatant challenge to its own strength, and demanded the chance to face this challenge.

"I summon to the field, then I play the spell !"

[Left-Hand Shark – Lv3 ATK:1300/DEF:1500]

Sharks claw like monster wasn't on the field for long before a giant wave swallowed both of his monsters.

"Thanks to my spell I destroy all face up water monsters I control. Then for each one I can special summon a water type monster from my hand. So come forth and ."

[Right-Hand Shark – Lv4 ATK:1500/DEF:1300, Buzzsaw Shark – Lv4 ATK:1600/DEF:500]

"Now I activate the spell which allows me to special summon my Left-Hand Shark back to the field. And when Left-Hand Shark is special summoned from the Graveyard, it becomes a level 4 monster."

[Left-Hand Shark – Lv3 > 4]

"With these three monsters I now build the Overlay Network, to Xyz summon the crimson terror of the deep! !"

[Number 32: Shark Drake – Rank 4 ATK:2800/DEF:2100 OU:3]

A great waterspout erupted out of the Overlay Network, from its depths one could see the glowing eyes of Sharks monster before it roared out and shattered the water spout that concealed Shark Drake's form, revealing its viscous glory to the field.

"A card should know its place! So now I am going to put you in yours!" shout Shark as he prepared to declare his attack.

"A ridiculous thing for a puppet like you to say, I know that thanks to your Left and Right hand Sharks your monster cannot be destroyed by battle or card effects, but did you forget Dark Mists special ability already?" mocked Number 96.

"Even if I can't destroy your monster I can still steal half of its attack points when it battles my Dark Mist, together with the 1500 attack it already has that means you can't beat me!"

"Oh I didn't forget, but you have forgotten my facedown. Go ! So long as this continuous trap is on the field, Xyz monsters that have Overlay Units cannot be targeted with card effects meaning Dark Mist can no longer use its effect against Shark Drake. Now attack, Deep Sea Destruction!"

[N32 ATK:2800 > N96 ATK:1500 – Number 96 LP > 2700]

Shark Drake blasted out a stream of raging water which cut through the body of Dark Mist and smashed into the body snatching Number. But as the attack ended the ooze like monster remained standing, the hole in its chest swiftly closing itself as an orb of violet energy gathered in front of the Number.

"You're not the only one with a trap card, try my . With this trap my monster cannot be destroyed in this battle, and then it deals damage to you equal to double the damage I just received." Number 96 explained to the shocked Shark as the energy sphere shot out and exploded into him.


[Shark LP > 1300]


"How does it feel Shark? Do you now understand now just how inferior you are to me?" Number 96 mocked.

This was just a prelude in his mind, a step to be taken in his revenge against Astral and his ascension to ultimate power.

"Shut your mouth! You're nothing but a stupid card. If you think I am going to let a Number push me around then you are dead wrong!"

"Wrong? You truly are delusional if you believe that." Turning to Sharks Number on the field he continued. "Isn't that right Number 32?"

"You…!" Shark was getting truly angry. How dare this Number disregard him like this!

"Come now Shark, don't deny it. Don't you hear his voice in your dreams, feel his breath on your neck as you duel, feel his glee as you crush your opponents under foot. He special, just like me. And you Shark, are just his puppet." Number 96 said after failing to receive and answer to his query.

Number 96's words rang in Sharks head, they resonated with his deepest fears. Ever since Shark had claimed Shark Drake the Number had dug its claws deep into him. And it had only gotten worse as time went by.

The feeling Shark got from that one Number alone was different from what he felt from every other Number he had ever hunted. Shark Drakes strong will and identity was so much more than any other Number he had encountered, save perhaps the Number that now stood against him now.


What made these two Numbers so different from the others? And was it just these two?

"Why fight me Number 32? Join me. Together we can crush these humans like bugs beneath our feet." Number 96 ignored Shark and tried to directly deal with the aquatic Number before him again.

And to Sharks surprise the Number answered.

"Do you take me for a fool…" Shark Drake growled.

"You are consumed by greed. You would never share power with anyone." The crimson Number continued.

"HAHAHA, so true. But even if you are unwilling to join me, your power will still soon be mine."

Number 96's confident mocking tone infuriated Shark Drake even more. But for the moment there was nothing more it or Shark himself could do.

"I end my turn." Shark said with reluctance.

[Turn 4 – Number 96 LP:2700, Hand :0, Shark LP:1300 Hand:0]

"I draw. Well, well, well, this is a timely card indeed, I play . This allows both of us to draw until we have six cards."

"Where did you get that kind of card?!" Sharked asked as he drew his cards. He was sure that Yuma never had such a powerful card before.

"Why I got it from one of those two New Order idiots that were watching you. Did you think I wouldn't take any opportunity I could to strengthen Yuma's deck? And you New Order people at least have access to some very powerful cards. The benefit of having a rich organisation I suppose. A pity I couldn't find any of those fascinating Seals for myself." Number 96 answered as he studied his cards.

"Now I set four cards and end my turn."

[Turn 5 – Shark LP:1300 Hand:6, Number 96 LP:2700, Hand :2]

"Tell me, just what make you so different from other Numbers?" Shark asked as he prepared to draw his card.

If Shark could work out what made him so different then perhaps it would shed light on his own Number. And he felt that this kind of secret was something very important for reasons he could not explain.

"Oh? Curious, are you? But is it about me or your own Number I wonder? Well first I activate my facedown the . During your standby phase I can use this trap to select one face up card on the field. That cards effects are now negated until the end of the turn. And I target your Xyz Veil." Number 96 replied."


"In answer to your previous question Shark, its simple. Not all Numbers are created equal."

"What in blazes does that mean?!" Shark complained at such a simple generalisation. An answer which was no answer.

"It means exactly what I say it means. But I guess as a human you really is too dumb to understand." Number 96 mocked, but he was soon shocked as Number 32 interrupted to explain the true meaning to Shark on its own initiative.

"We Numbers are formed from the shattered memories and power of the one you know as Astral. But do you think that all memories are equal? Do you think for instants, the memory of your first year of school comes even close to a memory like the day you lost your sister?" Number 32 asked his duellist, turning its head towards him.

Sharks fist clenched as Shark Drake prodded his old wounds with his words. But it was an effective example which also served to stoking his anger again.

"The reason there are Numbers like us, is because we are made from stronger memories, memories attached to great pains, great loss… great hate. And our nature is to some extent shaped by the nature of the memories that created us." Shark Drake continued in its deep voice.

"So what kind of memories created you then?" asked Shark.

"A time of war…" Shark Drake softly answered as it turned its glaze back to Number 96, but it refused to further elaborate on its bloodthirsty origins.

"And him?" Shark asked, referring to Number 96. Just what kind of memories could produce such a power hungry and evil creature like the one that he was facing. But all he received was silence.

"Fine, then it's time I win this duel. I draw! Now I should really thank you for all these cards you gave me, I activate the spell . By using an Overlay Unit on Shark Drake, this spell deals 400 damage to you for each card in my hand. Since I have six, that means you lose 2400 Life points!"


[Number 32: Shark Drake – OU: 3 > 2]

*Boom* *Boom* *Boom*

[Number 96 – LP > 300]

Multiple explosions blasted into the stunned Number wearing Yuma's face as his life points were decimated. And Shark was far from finished.

"Now I activate , I can use this spell to give your monster a 400 ATK boost, but it will also lose all of its special abilities-"

"Not quite! Activate ! This counter trap negates your magic card and deals 800 damage straight to your life points Shark!"

[Shark – LP > 500]

"Arrgghh!" Shark cried out as the power of his magic card was reflected back at him as explosive force, sending him sprawling onto the street.

"I told you Shark. You are no match for me, so just give up and hand me your Number Cards."

"Not a chance" croaked Shark as he rose to his feet.

Inside his will to fight was reaching a burning pitch. It was time to show the world the true power of Chaos.

"Go Chaos Xyz Evolution! Appear Chaos Number 32: Shark Drake Veiss!"