WebNovelFoxs Gift16.25%

First kills!

Authors note: In the last chapter I think I put down ' he stared at her with his crystal blue eyes' when I meant to put ' silverish ringed eyes' so that's my bad. Sometimes I forget what I write down.

Update: i went back and fixed that typing error ^^

Anywho, I hope youre all enjoying the story so far? Let me know. When I started writing this it was more for my own entertainment but now I have almost 1000 views so im pretty proud of myself. Maybe if we reach a thousand views ill do a special chapter thing, I don't know yet. Anyways, enjoy the chapter!


Naruto was crouched down on a tree branch next to his sensei. Both were hidden behind some branches and had a clear view of their objective.

Naruto looked out at the 'camp' of bandit and he was slightly annoyed. He turned to his sensei with an eye twitch." You and the scroll said it was a small camp, that-" he pointed out towards a small fortress that was in the clearing in front of them."- is not a small camp. It's a fucking fortress made for a king!" Naruto waved his hands in exasperation.

The fort was made out of old grey bricks. Twenty foot walls on each side and the only way in was the ten foot tall wooden gate he was currently seeing. There were about five men on top of each of the walls, each either holding a sword, spear, or a bow with an arrow already notched. The area around the walls was an open field, it was about thirty feet from the tree line to the walls and he couldn't run that without getting killed. Its what he would call a kill zone.

"Don't blame me brat. I didn't know about this either." Jiraya responded." But we cant turn back now, so how are you gonna get in there and take them out?" He questioned his student seriously. Naruto paled slightly before closing his eyes and gathering his thoughts.

"Well first, id like to know how many are in there before I act." Naruto began, jiraya nodded proudly at the boys plan.

" how are you gonna recon that without being caught and killed?" He watched naruto scratch his masked cheek for a moment before he responded.

" well theres three options here. One, I blow the walls down with almighty push, but thatd attract the entire forts attention and id probably die. Second option, I make a run for the wall and hope I don't get spotted, but id probably only make it half way before getting shot down with arrows. Last but not least I go through the only unguarded area in the place." Naruto finished with a nod.

Jiraya raised an eyebrow. He and naruto sent clones around the fortress, doing recon from the trees and he didn't find any way through the walls, so what was the kid thinking?" Whats the only unguarded area brat?"

Naruto looked back at his teacher with clear amusement in his eyes. Jiraya definitely decided then and there that he didnt like that look on narutos masked face.

" tell me sensei-" naruto looked back at the fort."- where can we get a bird?" Jiraya looked confused as hell.

-    Later that night-

Harishima was never good at anything. When he was a kid he dropped out of school to join the local street gangs, snuck out at night to do drugs and break ins. So when he turned 18 last week he wanted to go big. He was a thug by nature, and where did thugs go? They went and joined up into a larger bandit group like the one he was in now.

Harishima gave off a happy little sneer as he patrolled the top of the south wall.' This is the life' he thought to himself.' I got money, whores to bang, and saki. What could be better?' He sighed happily as he stared up at the night sky. The stars weren't out and the clouds covered the moon. It slightly unnerved him at how dark it was, but he had a torch in his left hand so he was alright.

He slightly flinched when a high pitched caw sounded out from the sky.' Stupid hawks.' He grumbled to himself as he reached the corner of the wall. He leaned over the edge and looked down to the ground. It was a long way down. " id hate to be the one to fa-" he was cut off when he heard the sound of wings flapping behind him.

He spun around and his eyes widened in horror when he watched as a slightly bigger than average hawk swooped down towards him, he fumbled for his sword but it was to late. His eyes widened even more when the hawk went up in smoke and a small kid dressed in black landed right in front of him.

"What the fu-" he lost the ability to speak when his throat was sliced open by a kunai that was held in the boys right hand. He gasped for breath and stumbled back towards the edge of the wall. He hit the wall and began falling backwards as the torch in his hand was swiped away by the boy who now looked exactly like him. He grasped at his bleeding throat and before he fell over the edge he hear a soft " im sorry" from the boy before his life left his body and he fell twenty feet down to the ground.

Naruto who was now henged as the man he had just killed and closed his eyes tightly. He had just taken his first life and he had made the mistake of looking into the dying mans eyes. He had seen both shock and fear in the mans brown eyes before he had fallen off the wall.

"Naruto, come in." He heard the quiet voice of his sensei through the small radio he had around his neck which was attached to a small earbud that went inside his left ear." Did you make it in?" His sensei questioned.

Naruto shook the image of the man he had just killed out of his mind. They're would be time to morn later, right now he had a job to do. He reached a finger up and pressed a button on his radio." Yeah, im in sensei. Right now im henged as the guard I just.. killed." He hesitated at the last word.

" I cant believe your plan worked. Who wouldve guessed you'd change into a bird and fly over them to get in?" Naruto could actually feel how impressed his sensei was with his plan.

"Thanks?" He questioned softly as he made a clone that looked exactly like the guard he killed and handed it the torch." Im not sure if youre trying to insult me or complement me sensei." The clone nodded and began making his 'rounds'. The real naruto sank into the shadows and began walking towards the other guards.

His plan was to turn into a bird-much like he could a fox- and fly over head for the rest of the day in order to get the guards rotations down. After night fall he would swoop down, take a guard out and replace it with a clone. Then he'd clear the walls of the guards and leave clones in their places before the clones would silently take out the guys who were mingling around down in the court yard while he headed inside the building to clear it out.

" yeah yeah whatever brat. Anyways, hurry up and finish the job. I don't wanna be sitting in a tree all night. I could be doing research right now you know." Naruto let out a quiet sigh as he silently stalked up behind another bandit who was looking out into the darkness.

He silently jumped up, put his hand over the guards mouth and stuck his kunai into the back of the mans skull. Naruto flinched slightly when he felt the mans blood oozing down his hand. He quickly pushed the dead man over the wall and replaced him with a clone.

That's how it went for the next hour. He'd sneak up or surprise a guard before quickly and quietly ending their lives, hiding their bodies and then replacing them. After taking out all the guards he now had about twenty to thirty clones on top of the walls.

He looked down into the court yard and counted ten guys sitting around a large bon fire next to the west wall and another fifteen mingling around the north wall. 'They all look drunk so it shouldn't be to hard' he told himself as he spawned another clone next to him before it popped out of existence, sending his plan to the other clones. After both he and his clones got into position, they jumped towards the men.

Most of the thugs had been killed quickly by a clone killing them from above with a kunai. Only about five of them missed their targets which gave the men the chance to cry out in shock before their lives were ended by another clone.

Naruto flinched and ripped his kunai out of the top of a thugs skull, sending a spurt of blood across his masked face as he looked up at his assembled clones.

"Alright guys I want half of you to stay out here and keep guard, hide the bodies and hide. I don't want any reinforcements coming up behind us while were inside." He got a bunch of nods from his clones as they went off to complete their tasks.

Meanwhile naruto and the other fifteen clone silently entered the three story building that sat in the middle of the court yard. After clearing out the house of any guards, naruto was now in what looked to be an office. He blankly watched two of his clones drag out the dead body of the leader of these thugs. Naruto expected a fight from him but instead it was rather easy to sneak up on the man and end his life.

Now that he was in a room with a light on he was able to see himself better and what he saw didn't please him at all. He had blood splatter on his face, his black button up shirt was wet with the dark red life force of his enemies, and his clones didn't look much better.

He let out a tired sigh as he walked around the leaders desk. He started gathering any information he could find, ranging from details of how much money the group had, all the way up to how many weapons they had. He stopped what he was doing when the door creaked open and one of his clones entered, it had a hesitant look on its face.

"Boss, you need to see this" the clone spoke sternly. Naruto nodded his head and fallowed it out of the room, a folder full of information and papers in his left hand.

The 'house' if you'd like to call it, was a mess. There was blood puddles on certain areas of the floor, the worn out appliances and furniture were close to falling apart. The third floor was made up of only two rooms. The first room was a little waiting room if you will. It had a large sofa, table and chairs. The other room was the office he was just in which had a large wooden desk and chair, two sofas on either side of a wooden coffee table and a fireplace.

The second floor was more of a recreation area with kitchens and dinning tables large enough to feed about fifty people. The first floor was just filled with beds and bed rolls. He assumed some of the thugs slept in here? He didn't really know nor did he really care.

The clone led him to four other clones who were crowding around a now open hatch door that was in the floor. He looked down into the dark hole before looking up to the one of the clones.

"Report" he ordered. The clone nodded.

" we were searching the floor for any traps or anything and we found this. No ones gone in yet cause we wanted to wait for you to decide what to do." Naruto nodded at the explanation.

" wait out here. Ill go in." Naruto ordered before jumping into the hole.

He fell about ten feet before landing on his feet almost silently. The room was pitch black and he couldn't see anything. He sent chakra into his eyes and the room changed. It went front pitch black to grey and white. He walked forward, passing tables and bed before he saw something that made his eyes widened. It was a chakra signature, not just one but about fifty. He quickly found the light switch and flicked it on while turning his rinnegan off. He flinched when he heard a few cries from behind him. But what made his stomach drop was the fact that they were all female.

'Kami no..' he prayed as he slowly turned around. His eyes widened in both shock and horror at what he saw.

It was a large cell, taking up half the room. In the cell was about fifty females, ranging from their mid 30s all the way down to little girls hinabis age. Each one of them looked horrible. Ripped clothes that looked like rags, messy hair, bags under their eyes and some sort of crusty stains on some of their faces and arms. He had a feeling he knew what it was to. He quickly looked away and wiped the tears from his eyes before turning back around and facing them.

" kids get behind us" one of the older girls spoke up, rushing the smaller kids behind them. She looked at naruto with narrowed eyes." So theyre sending kids now huh?" The girl spoke again.

" no no no no!" Naruto waved his hands in front of himself as he walked over to the cell, the girls quickly backed away from it.

"Then who are you!" The girl sneered. Naruto looked her over. She had to be about thirty, she was tall, tanned skin and waist length brown hair. Her eyes were hazel and had dark bags under them. She wore only a bra and underwear.

"M-my names naruto. I was sent here to take care of the dudes up stairs" naruto explained slowly, raising his hands a bit to try and calm them down. " im here to get you all out." He added softly.

" h-how do I know y-youre not lying?" The women spoke softly and naruto saw hope in her eyes.

"Foxs, now!" He shouted into thin air, getting a flinch from the girls as they backed away. They watched in shocked aw as foxs fell into the room from the hatch in the ceiling. Fifty foxs later and the room was full of small fluffy foxs, naruto walked up to the cell door and looked at the lock that held it closed." Im gonna get you all out now." He wrapped his hand around the lock and looked up at the girls." Are any of you seriously injured?"

"W-were just weak. We havent eaten in days." A teen girl spoke up, her voice was quiet.

"Well-" he pumped chakra into his hand and ripped the lock off the door." Me and my sensei will do our best to get you all food." He gave them a nod as the barred door creaked open and naruto stepped back." Now I need you all to get on a fox. A fox can carry two kids and for the grown ups itll have to be one. Okay?"

" but theyre small!" A little girl pointed out as she pointed at one of the foxs. Said fox walked into the cage, slid between two of the kids legs before growing enough for them to ride comfortably. Said girls yelped and held tightly on to the fox.

" the foxs can grown to accommodate youre sizes." Naruto looked up at the oldest women and gave her an eye-smile. He didn't really care how crazy he look, with blood on his face and he was smiling. He probably looked crazy to them given that he was only six." Don't worry now. Were gonna take you to konoha and get you all treated at the hospital and if needed we'll provide therapists." He took a few steps back and motioned for them to get on a fox, which the girls practically flew forward to do so.

" sensei, can you hear me?" Naruto spoke into his radio as he watched the foxs jump out of the cellar door and onto the first floor with the girls on their backs.

" im reading you, its about time too. What took you so long?" Jirayas voice crackled to life in his ear.

" sorry, while I was searching the place for any info my clone found a cellar.." he paused for a moment before continuing." There were women and kids down here sensei, the sick fucks had sex slaves" narutos voice was a whisper as he clenched his fists in anger.

" I see.. bring them up naruto and ill meet you at the gate. Ill send a toad to the third and have him get medical staff on standby. When we get back to konoha we'll get them help." Jirayas voice was soft and calming.

" were on our way, naruto out" naruto lowered his hand to his side as the women he was speaking to came up to him.

" u-um.. theyres no more foxs" she blushed lightly.

" sorry, its alright" naruto went up in smoke, making the girl jump back a bit. Her jaw hit the floor as the smoke cleared, showing naruto in his fox form. He was bigger than the other foxs, he lowered his head." Hop on, ill take you out personally. My sensei will meet us at the gates."

"O-okay.." she stuttered out as she slowly but surely mounted the foxs back and held on tightly. He tilted his head a bit to look up at her.

"Whats your name?" He asked. She looked unsure for a moment before answering.

"Y-yuna.. my names yuna." She replied softly.

" lets get you outta here then yuna" and with that he took off in order to meet up with both his sensei and the other fifty girls.

-2 days later-

It was and odd sight to be sure. Watching about fifty foxs with half naked women and girls on their backs walking up towards the east gate of the village. But both kotesu and izumo had been expecting them.

" inform the medical staff, theyre here!" Kotesu ordered his friend who vanished in a flutter of leafs as he came out of the guard house and ran to meet up with jiraya. "Sir!" He called out to jiraya as he reached them. The foxs stopped behind the sannin.

" kotesu, are the staff ready?" Jiraya asked urgently.

" yes sir, theyre on their way." He pulled out a scroll and opened it up before lying it on the ground. He sent chakra into the scroll and one smoke cloud later there was two piles of blankets on the ground.

"Good man" jiraya picked the first pile of blankets up with kotesu getting the other pile and they looked at the girls." Alright everyone, take a blanket and cover up. The medical staff should be here in a second."

With that jiraya and kotesu handed the blankets out, just as they finished a large group of female medic nins ran out of the gates holding stretchers and began getting the girls off the foxs, who in turn vanished into smoke.

Naruto watched the medics take the girls off, the last one was yuna who after getting on the stretcher reached out and wrapped her hand around his front right leg. Naruto looked down at her and saw tears in her eyes.

" thank you, thank you for saving us!" She cried out as the nins carried her off towards the hospital.

Jiraya and kotesu looked at naruto as he turned back into his human form. Jiraya put his hand on the boys head and smiled proudly at him.

" you did good naruto. Not even the fourth took out a sex ring like that on his first mission." Jiraya told him.

"Y-yeah.." naruto rubbed his eyes, he was still covered in blood." C-can I go home now? I need to shower.." jiraya nodded with a small frown.

" yeah kid, run along. Ill take care of the mission report." Jiraya told him. Naruto nodded gratefully.

" see ya sensei, kotesu!" Naruto called out, waving behind him as he ran off.

The blond traveled over the rooftops of the village. He didn't want to see anyone nor did he want them to see him. After about ten minutes he finally entered hinatas house.

He silently walked into the living room where he saw hitome, hinabi, and hinata sitting on the couch relaxing. That's when everything hit him. The faces of everyone he had killed flashed through his head, then he pictured hinata, hinabi, and hitome in the slaves places and he finally choked out a cry.

" naruto!" Hitome cried out as she saw her beloved little blond. She looked at him in shock and the same could be said for hinabi and hinata. The boy was drenched in blood from head to toe.

"H-hitome i-" he stumbled forward and fell to his knees, tears streaming down his eyes as the mother appeared in front of him.

" naruto what happened?!?" Hitome demanded.

"N-naruto-kun.." hinata spoke tearfully.

"Big brother!?!" Hinabi cried out. She love naruto and looked up to him. He had become a ninja in almost record time and he had saved her sister from being taken away from her. She thought he was a hero and wanted to be just like him. So seeing her hero on his knees, covered in blood and looking so.. broken was hard for her and she began to cry as hinata hugged her.

"I-I killed them" naruto whispered out as he shed his headband and face mask, showing that the blood did in fact seep through his mask and onto his face. Hitome watched in shock as naruto looked up at her with tear filled eyes." I-I killed them all.." she buried his face into her bosom and held him close as he began bawling his eyes out, crying out that he was 'so sorry'.

" hitome! Whats happened?!?" Hitome looked to the rooms entrance to see hashi with a worried look in his usually expressionless eyes.

" his first kill.." she replied as she ran her hands through the blonds hair in a soothing motion as he cried. Hashi seemed to understand as he looked at the six year old ninja. He saw the boys headband on the floor next to him covered in blood.

" ill have the maids get a bath started." He told her. She just nodded and continued trying to calm the boy down.