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It was about 5:30 in the morning and naruto was just entering the academy. He had met with the hokage yesterday like he was supposed to and was a bit surprised to find out that hed be helping his old sensei in the academy. He wasn't to mad about it and thought itd be good for him, especially after all the non stop missions and the chunnin exams he had been doing for the past few months.

After he had woken the girls up the night of his return, they had spent the rest of the night eating ice cream with the rest of the family and hinabi kept asking questions about what all he had to do in the chunnin exams in order to make it to the finals. He told her but kept the part about him brutally killing three iwa gennin to himself. The little girl didn't need to hear that. The last teo days were spent relaxing and hanging out with hinabi and helping hinata with her tijutsu style.

He still hasn't read minatos letter as he kept forgetting about it, but he did use his new special jounin vest.

Currently he was wearing his usual black long sleeve button up shirt with the right sleeve rolled up to his elbow and his left sleeve was just dangling at his side. He wore his new special jounin vest over said shirt. The gest was the same as a chunnins vest, except it had the kenji for 'special' written in black on the red uzumaki swirl that was located on the middle of his back. It also had a high collar that stopped about an inch below his ears. He wore his usual dark jeans and had both his shuriken and kunai holsters attached to his right thigh. They were located right next to each other, along with the pouch he had on the back of his waist. On his feet were a pair of standard black shinobi sandals, and he thought he looked amazing.

Entering the academy and making his way through the first floor halls, naruto stopped just outside of his old classroom. He raised his fist up and knocked on the door three times.

"Come in!" He heard irukas muffled voice come from the other side of the door. Naruto slid the door open and looked into the room. Iruka was sitting at his desk and was the only one in the room as school hadnt started yet.

Iruka looked up at him and smile while standing up." Ah, naruto. Its wonderful to see you again."

Naruto gave the man an eye smile as he entered the room and closed the door behind him." Its good to see you as well, sensei." Naruto replied happily.

Iruka let a smile hrave his lips." You know youre a higher rank then me now right? You don't have to keep calling me sensei." The chunnin told the boy.

Naruto shrugged a bit." And I wouldn't be wearing this vest if it wasn't for you." Naruto replied with a small chuckle." You will always be my sensei." He added.

Iruka chuckled a bit." Thanks, that means a lot to me." Iruka told him before clearing his throat." Now, I was informed by hokage-sama that youd be helping me out here for the next month?" Iruka stated curiously.

Naruto nodded his head." Yeah, the old man wants me to stay in the village until jiraya-sensei comes back with tsunade-sama so she can reattach my arm." Naruto explained the situation before raising his left stump and shaking it a bit, his left sleeve just wiggled around.

Iruka smiled at that." Im glad then, youll be up and running again in no time." The teacher got a nod in response." Now, come over here and let me show you what we'll be teaching today." He waved the boy over towards his desk.

- 30 minutes later-

Naruto was sitting in a chair behind irukas desk looking over the lessons for today. The chunnin was writing a few things on the chalk board behind him. The two shinobi ignored the kids that were entering the classroom and continued on with what they were doing.

After the class was filled with talking students, naruto looked up at all of them and began picking out the kids he knew.

Sakura and ino were sitting next to each other in the middle row talking to one another. Shino was sitting alone in the last row all the way to the left, being silent as usual. Shikamaru was sleeping with his head down and choji was sitting to his right eating a bag if chips. Hinata was sitting in the middle of the back row next to kiba who had akamaru sleeping on his head. Last but certainly not least was sasuke. The boy was sitting in the first row all the way to the right of the desks and was looking out of the window with his usual 'im brooding' look.

Finally the bell rang, signaling the start of the class day and iruka put his piece of chalk down and stood in front of the class.

"All right everyone, please quiet down. I have some things to announce." Iruka spoke out over the chatting kids. Said kids fell silent and looked at their teacher." Now im sure youre all curious about the young man behind me, so ill let him introduce himself real quick." Iruka motioned for naruto to do so.

Naruto stood up, walked out from behind the desk and stood next to iruka." Hello everyone, some of you here may know me- but to those that don't, my name is naruto uzumaki, im six years old and was just promoted to special jounin a few days ago. For the next month ill be helping iruka-sensei teach you all about the shinobi arts." He introduced himself." Now before we began todays lessons, do you all have any questions that youd like to ask me?" A bunch of hands shot into the air." Uh, you- girl in the front." Naruto pointed at a girl with short dark purple hair.

"If youre our age then how come youre already a special jounin?" She asked curiously.

Naruto scratched his cheek before answering." Well I entered the academy when I was four and I tested out after only two years. After that I trained really hard and went on missions. I just recently won this years chunnin exams and I guess I impressed the shinobi council enough and they granted me this rank." He told her truthfully." Alright, next question. Shoot kiba." He stated.

The dog loving boy lowered his hand and nodded." I watched your match in the chunnin exams. Did it hurt when you lost your arm?" He questioned.

Naruto lifted his left stump up and wiggled it a bit." Yeah, it hurt a lot. But I managed to fight through the pain." The blond answered." Your turn sakura."

"Do we have to call you sensei?" She asked curiously.

"Mm, yes but just while were at the academy. After hours you can just call me naruto." He answered the pinkett, said girl nodded." Yes ino?"

The platinum blond lowered her hand before speaking." How come youre here helping iruka-sensei teach us?" She asked curiously.

"Well I know the old man wanted me to mingle with kids my age, but I also know that he didn't want me going out on missions with only one arm." Naruto chuckled a bit." So he put me here until next month." He added.

"Why only a month?" Ino questioned.

"My sensei jiraya went out looking for his teammate, tsunade-sama. In a months time she'll reattach my missing arm." He explained, getting 'ews' from the girls and 'cool' from some of the boys.

"But wouldn't your arm like, decay or something?" Kiba questioned.

Naruto nodded a bit." Normally yes it would, but my sensei managed to recover my arm from kumos chunnin arena and put it in a stasis seal." The boy explained." When you seal an object into a stasis seal- lets say a cake. Now say you just baked a cake and put it inside of a stasis seal and forgot about it for a month or two. The next time you unseal it, itll still be fresh and ready to eat." The blond explained." The same could be said for my arm. Right now its sealed in stasis so next month or even two months from now, when my arms unsealed itll still be in the same condition that it was in before it was sealed. Does that make sensei?" He asked. The students nodded their heads.

Before anyone else could ask a question, iruka spoke up, getting everyones attention." Alright kids, I wanna explain something new that we'll be doing. Before we began class today, naruto and I were discussing what we'd be teaching you today-" the kids groaned at that.

Naruto chuckled and continued where the chunnin left off." I thought youd react that way so me and iruka sensei agreed on something." The kids looked at naruto curiously, even sasuke was paying attention." Throughout todays lesson, me and iruka will be counting how many students answer the questions we ask."

Iruka continued for the boy." The top five students who answer the most questions correctly will get a special privilege that hasn't yet been seen in the academy."

Naruto spoke up again." At the end of the day, the whole class will go outside into the training field and those five lucky students will be able to ask me to perform any justu that they would like to see." The kids started getting excited." But-" they focused back onto the blond." The jutsus have to either be wind, water or fire as I currently don't have any earth or lightning jutsu in my jutsu reserves yet. Alright?" The students quickly agreed and naruto gave them an eye smile." Then let us began the lesson for today." The blond told them and the class cheered.

-end of the school day-

Naruto and iruka both led the class of six and seven year olds out to the academy training grounds. After coming to a stop and facing the young kids, naruto began to speak up.

"Okay, sakura, ino,hinata,sasuke and ami, please step forwards." Naruto called oit and said five student lined up in front of the rest of the students." Each of you were the five students that answered most of the questions correctly, now we'll start with ino. What would you like to see?" He asked the girl.

"Hmm." Ino let out a hum in thought." Can you do the water dragon?" Ino asked in excitement.

Naruto faced away from the group of kids and went through one handed signs before calling out the jutsu." Water style: water dragon jutsu!" Naruto shot a wave of water out of his mouth. The wave quickly formed into a ten foot water dragon that had yellow glowing eyes. The students watched in aw as the water dragon swirled around naruto before roaring and flying towards a tree. It hit the tree with enough force to split the tree in half, making it fall to the ground. The blond looked back at the students as they clapped their hands happily.

"Sakura?" Said girl blushed lightly.

"Can you summon a fox?" She asked hopefully.

Naruto nodded and whistled towards the tree line behind them. The students watched as a small fox ran out of the woods and headed straight towards them. It was a small pure white fox that had crystal blue eyes. Sakura squealed happily and held her arms out. As if reading her mind the fox jumped up into the girls arms and began rubbing its small head against sakuras cheek, making the young girls coo at the cuteness. They didn't need to know that it was actually narutos shadowclone that was just transformed into a small white fox.

"Ami?" Naruto asked the purple haired girl.

The girl thought for a moment before snapping her fingers and smiling." Can you use wind to float!?!" She gushed out in excitement.

No. No he couldn't but he didn't need to use wind, he could do something cooler." Sadly I cant float-" the girl pouted."- but I can make you float." He told her. The girl looked up at that.

"R-really?" She asked, the boy nodded his head and even iruka was curious to see this." Is it safe?" She asked curiously." I wont float away will i?"

Naruto chuckled and shook his head." Nah, youll be alright. I wont let you go up to high, I promise." Naruto told her with and eye smile.

"Sweet! Lets do this!" She pumped her fist into the air.

Naruto lifted his hand up and held it out towards her. He concentrated a bit and sure enough, the kids gasped out in awe as ami began to lift off the ground. Said girl swung her arms around in an attempt to keep her balance but naruto held the girl in place for a fee more minutes before gently setting her down. The girl was glowing with happiness.

"Hinata?" He asked, said girl tapped her fingers together nervously.

"C-can you shoot fire?" She asked with a light blush, naruto nodded and faced towards another tree.

He went through hand signs and called out." Fire style: fireball jutsu!" He blew out a rather large fireball that impacted a tree and lit it up in flames. Quickly ending the jutsu and putting the flaming tree out with a quick water jutsu, naruto looked at sasuke." What do you wanna see sasuke?" He asked.

Sasuke narrowed his eyes before answering." I wanna see your strongest fire jutsu." The broody boy stated in a plain voice.

Naruto hummed for a moment before nodding and looking back at the tree line." Alright then." Naruto cracked his neck and began going through a longer set of handseals before putting his hand up to his mouth, taking a deep breath and calling out his jutsu." Fire style: great fire annihilation!" A giant wave of white flames burst out of narutos mouth and washed over the rest of the clearing, burning away anything that stood against it. He of course held back a bit as he didn't want the flames to reach the tree line, konoha did not need a giant wildfire. 

After a few minutes the flames died out and naruto looked back at the assembled academy students. He almost laughed when he saw the awe and shock on their faces, even sasuke looked shocked. Irukas eyes had widened into dinner plates.

"Now, can anyone tell me who created that jutsu? The first person to answer it correctly gets to see a jutsu." Naruto told the assembled class.

A few hands were raised and naruto rubbed his chin before picking out a student. The six year old girl had short neck length black hair with her bangs being a dark red color. She wore a black long sleeved shirt that had a red rose design on the back of it and wore a black skirt that had red trimming on it.

"You, ruby." Naruto called out.

The girl tilted her head a bit." The creator of the fire annihilation jutsu was the co-founder of konoha and head of the uchiha clan. Madara uchiha." She answered correctly.

"And we got a winner!" Naruto called out happily." So what would you like to see ruby?" He asked curiously.

The girl thought for a moment before answering." Can you show me what a weapon with chakra added to it can do?" She asked curiously.

"Hmm, I suppose I can do that." Naruto answered as he reached into his pouch and pulled out a kunai. Everyone watched as a faint blue glow surrounded the small blade and naruto threw it at a tree. The kunai went straight through the tree like a hit knife cutting through butter. The kunai then lodged itself hilt deep into the tree directly behind the one naruto threw it at.

"Ooo" the classed said out loud.

"Now, when you coat your kunai or shuriken in chakra, it makes the blade stronger and makes its cutting power double. But if you had- say a sword made out of chakra metal then instead of just covering the weapon, the chakra metal would absorb the chakra and you could make your strikes reach farther or slice a tree down with a single slice, hell if you added enough chakra you could  probably put a good sized crater into the ground." Naruto explained to the kids.

"Now, that's all for today kids-" iruka cut in, getting sad groans from them all."- if you wanna see more than you have to do what you did today, tomorrow as well. Alright?"

"Yes sensei!" Came the classes response.

"Good, now you all can go home now, me and naruto have some papers to grade!" This time naruto groaned out in anguish.


Author note: yeah that's right! I added ruby to this story, for those of you who don't know who that is, shes from the show R.W.B.Y. Anyways I mainly just added her because I couldn't come up with a good name for a random background character.

But now that I think about it, maybe I could fit ruby rose into this story, give her a different background or back story. Who knows? Comment and let me know if you wanna see more of ruby in this story.

I could probably make her narutos future student or apprentice, hell I could do a lot with her, but I wanna know what you think, so let me know. Goodnight everyone! Or morning, depending on when you read this!