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Fox Beats Snake

"Fuck me.."

"Whats wrong sensei? Arent you happy to see me?" Anko asked with a cruel grin on her face.

" of course i am anko-chan. How have you been since our last meeting?" The snake asked with a cocky grin.

"You know exactly how ive been sensei!" Anko sneered, her brown eyes filled with hate as she stared at the cause of all her suffering and pain." Im gonna put you down orochimaru, here and now!"

"Naive girl!" Orochimaru spat." You think you can kill me? You arent strong enough! Im immortal anko! You cant kill me!"

"Ill be the judge of that you bastard!" Anko replied coldly as she dashed forward.

Naruto watched as the two snake summoners battled, the strikes were fast and their dodges were even faster. He knew that their tijutsu style was called the viper style and naruto could tell why. The style as a whole reminded naruto of a striking viper.

He looked back towards the genin and frowned." Are you two alright?" He asked, concern clear in his voice.

"Im fine but sakura isnt." Sasuke stated as he stood up on shaky legs.

"Lie down sakura and tell me where it hurts." Naruto ordered softly as he knelt next to the girl. Sakura did as told and lied down on her back, albeit slowly as to minimize the pain she was feeling.

"My ribs.. he broke a few." She told the blond. Naruto nodded and slowly lifted her shirt to look at her stomach and frowned once he did. Her stomach was one big dark blue, almost black, bruise.

"Im gonna heal you now sakura." Naruto told her as he took his right glove off, exposing the black 'sun' mark that was on his palm." This might feel weird but dont fight against it alright?"

"O-okay." Sakura nodded. She flinched as his hand laid on her injured stomach before her entire body relaxed. She felt something warm flow through her entire body and she instinctively began to relax. The intense pain caused by her injuries faded away, replaced by the warmth naruto was pushing into her. She felt her chakra reserves fill back up and with it her energy. She had waisted most of her chakra in a vein attempt to numb the pain.


And just like that the warmth was gone as naruto took his hand away. She looked down at her stomach and was surprised when she saw that she was completely healed. She flexed her abs and expected to feel a sharp stab of pain but she felt nothing. The only mark left on her was a small black mark that was lying over her belly button. It looked like a.. sun?

She looked up at naruto and frowned." Is that mark permanent?"

"Afraid so."

She huffed and stood up before giving him a bright smile." Howd you do that?" She asked, ignoring the sounds of the battle that waged on behind them." That wasnt medical ninjutsu was it?" She questioned.

"No. Its an ability i picked up a few weeks ago." Naruto answered, nervously scratching the back of his head.

"Can you teach me?"

"Sadly im the only one that can preform it." Naruto replied, watching her shoulders slump a bit. He didnt wanna tell her that it took him dying in order to get that ability, hell. Neither the third nor Jiraya knew he died. He didnt wanna tell them cause itd raise more questions he didnt feel like answering. But they did know about the ten tails and all that.

"So why are you here?" Sasuke asked the blond." Howd you know we were in danger?"

"I didnt. We were hunting orochimaru and tracked him here. But im glad i got here before he gave you the curse mark." Naruto replied, giving the uchiha a small nod. He then turned towards anko and orochimarus battle in order to watch.

• with anko•

Anko ducked under a strike from her sensei before thrusting her palm upwards. Her strike hit his chin, snapping his head up while also cracking a few of his teeth. Anko spun and kicked him in the gut, sending him smashing through the trunk of a tree. She waisted no time in following him.

"All the shit i had to go through!" Anko growled out as she attacked orochimaru once more." The bullies, the pain and hatred i had to face!" Angry tears began to slide down her cheeks as she threw her left arm up and snakes shot out of her sleeve. They wrapped around orochimaru before she pulled, pulling the man towards her where she smashed her chakra filled fist into his face, snapping his neck and throwing him to the ground." It was all because of you!"

She didnt even bat an eye when another orochimaru came out of the bodies mouth. Orochimaru grinned at her." Kukuku. Did the big bad villagers bully you my sweet little anko-chan." He grinned more when his ex student roared and charged at him.

He ducked under her strike and smashed his palm into her gut, causing her to stumble backwards with a grunt. He ran forwards and sent a jab towards her face but she swatted his hand aside. He dropped to the ground and kicked at her feet. Anko jumped back and shot more snakes at the man but he vanished from his spot.

He appeared behind anko and kicked her in the back, sending her face first into the trunk of a tree. She cried out in pain before he sped forward and shoved a kunai into the base of her neck.

"Kukuku. Whatd i tell you anko? Youre to weak." His response was the sound of Anko gurgling as she died, only for anko to turn into a mass of snakes that wrapped around him and the tree, locking him in place." Damn it!"

The real anko burst forth from the ground and threw a fist full of kunai at him. The four kunai entered his body and he hissed out in pain. One kunai in each shoulder and one in each leg, pinning him to the tree.

"Youre disgusting." Anko began as she slowly walked towards the pinned sannin." Youre a freak, a dirty orphan thats scared of death-"

"Watch it anko!" Orochimaru hissed out with narrowed eyes.

"You, the famed orochimaru of the sannin! Now youre nothing more than a dirty snake that goes after little boys! Sasuke!" Anko barked out, getting the uchihas attention even though her eyes stayed glued to her ex sensei." What he tell you?" She asked.

".. he said he could give me power. He said if i agreed to go with him hed make me strong enough to kill itachi.." the uchiha answered, looking towards the ground." I refused.."

"Good!" Anko replied with a grin." Cause he withheld information. Didnt you sensei?" Anko asked mockingly." You didnt tell sasuke how you tried to take itachis eyes did you?" Orochimaru growled." Or how about the part where itachi defeated you with a mere glance!"

"How do you know that!" Orochimaru roared out.

"Face it sensei.." anko began, ignoring the mans question." Youre weak and old. Youre not as strong as you used to be."

"Ill kill you!" Orochimaru shouted. He snapped his mouth open and the blade of a sword shot out of the his throat. Anko leaned backwards, the blade shot right over her face. She rolled away and jumped back.

Another orochimaru came from the bodies mouth. Though he was now holding the handle of the sword with an enraged look on his face.

"Did i hit a nerve?" Anko asked with a grin. That grin was swept away when her sensei held up a single handseal and her entire body erupted into pain." AAHHHH!!" She hit the ground and her hand clawed at the glowing curs seal that was on her neck.

"Does it hurt anko?!?" Orochimaru asked with a sick grin." Good. Now die!" He swung his sword down towards the downed women but his blade never touched her. Instead there was the sound of metal hitting metal and he saw that naruto was standing over anko, blocking orochimarus sword with his own.

"Now that wasnt nice orochimaru.."

"Shut up brat!" The snake growled out as he put more pressure onto his sword, yet naruto was easily blocking his blade which shouldve been impossible! His sword could cut through anything!

"Youre an idiot.." naruto stated coldly as he swatted orochimarus blade away and simply vanished, even orochimaru lost track of him. That is until Naruto reappeared a few feet in front of him and multiple deep gashes simply appeared along his body.

"ARRGGH!" Blood sprayed from the new wounds and orochimaru fell to a knee, his sword dropped from his grasp. He quickly 'shedded' his skin but he was still panting. His battle with anko took a lot out of him.

"You come into my village.." naruto vanished again before reappearing and more cuts appeared on the snake sannin." You hurt MY family!" Narutos chakra exploded out around him, bathing him in bright golden flames. Orochimaru stared at him in utter shock as he felt narutos chakra reserves. They were massive! Bigger than anything hed ever felt before!" Your punishment is death." And naruto was gone.

"I wont die here today!" Orochimaru roared out as he turned and began to run. He made it a whole five steps before his head was separated from his body.

Naruto reappeared next to anko, his chakra cloak vanished as he knelt down next to her." Are you okay anko?" The panting women nodded and sat up with the boys aid. Her curse mark had receded but the dull pain was still there. She was drenched in sweat and her eyes were lidded.

"I.. ill be okay.. i just need rest.."

"Okay, but tomorrow im sealing that mark off, got it?" Anko slowly nodded.

"You think you can kill me.." everyones head snapped towards the snake sannins voice and watched as snakes shot out of both his neck and decapitated head. The snakes latched on to one another before pulling the separated parts together. Not long after, a panting and exhausted orochimaru stood there as if he hadnt just been decapitated.

Orochimaru glared at naruto, his yellow eyes seemed to glow with anger and hate." Im immortal.. youve won this battle but the war is far from over!" He sneered." I will have whats mine and ill destroy this stupid village in the process! And ill make you watch as i kill everyone youve ever cared about!"

Naruto stood up and glared at orochimaru." No orochimaru.. you wont.." his voice was cold.

"You cant sto-" Orochimaru was cut off as he felt a sharp pain in the back of his head. He turned his head and his eyes widened when he saw another naruto standing behind him. The new naruto had his hand inside of orochimarus head, as if his hand had fazed through the man." What is this-!" Naruto retched his hand out of orochimarus head, dragging along a dark purple chakra silhouette that seemed to have the shape of a human yet it had no characteristics.

Everyone watched in silent shock as orochimaru lifelessly fell to the ground. The naruto clone made a fist and the soul began to burn untill it was nothing more then smoke. The clone then nodded towards the real naruto before it went up in smoke.

Naruto knelt back down next to anko and the women looked at him with wide eyes." What.. w-what did you do to him?" Anko asked in a soft yet shocked tone.

"I ripped his soul out.."

• 3 hours later- konohas hospital•

Naruto sat in a chair next to anko who was sleeping soundly in the hospital bed. She was hooked up to an IV and a heart monitor. Despite the snake mistress insisting she was okay and that all she needed was sleep, naruto still forced her to come to the hospital to get checked out by tsunade. Tsunade had confirmed that anko was fine but the curse mark had stressed out her chakra coils. She forced anko to stay the night and the snake mistress agreed before passing out on the bed.

Naruto didnt like the idea of leaving her alone so he decided to stay for awhile, just to make sure nothing happened while she slept. After killing orochimaru he had noticed a presence watching them from somewhere but it vanished before he could find out who it was and he didnt feel comfortable with leaving anko by herself.

He heard the door slowly open and he looked towards it. He watched as the third entered the room and silently closed the door behind him." Hey old man." He greeted softly.

"Naruto-kun." Hiruzen nodded softly as he walked over to stand next to the seated boy. His aged eyes rested on ankos sleeping face." How is she?" He asked.

"Fine. The curse mark took a lot out of her but granny tsunade said shed be alright by morning."

"Im glad shes okay." The third replied softly before looking down at him." How are you naruto? Its not everyday one kills a sannin."

Naruto took a second to reply." I.. dont know." He answered softly." I mean.. ive killed people before but this was different.."

"How so?"

"I ripped his soul out before sending it to hell." Naruto answered, looking up at his grandfather." Do i regret killing him? No. He was a sick man and deserved death, but i took his soul and judged it before sending him to hell. Old man, i played kami.."

"Naruto.." hiruzens eyes softened. He reached out and rested his hand on the boys shoulder before squeezing softly." You may have played kami but you cant think about that." He began." Think about the lives youve saved by killing him. No doubt orochimaru wouldve continued his sick experiments on innocent people. You saved the lives of those he wouldve went after and you saved sasukes as well. Along with the lives he wouldve been responsible for taking had his invasion happened. Through your decision to send his soul to hell, you saved our village. Our home, and you protected our family."

Naruto nodded softly as he let hiruzens words sink in." About the invasion.. what are we gonna do with suna?" He asked his aged leader.

Hiruzen stood a bit straighter." Since our plan to allow them to attack has been derailed, ill be sending a letter to the kazekage, telling him that we knew of their plans and that orochimaru is dead. That should stop them from attacking us. Ill then invite him to our village in order to form some sort of deal with him. Ill be sending the missions we get from the wind lord back to suna as a show of good faith." He explained.

Naruto nodded." That should help their economy and get them up to strength. It wouldnt do for konoha to have weak allies ya know." Hiruzen chuckled at that.

"I agree my boy." The third smiled down at the blond." Anyways, im off. Have a good night naruto."

"See ya old man." Naruto sent the man a wave as he left the room. Naruto then let out a sigh before relaxing in his chair, his ringed eyes closed as he remembered what he saw from orochimarus memories..

• flash back•

"Who trained you girl?"

"Tsunade-sama did!"

Orochimarus eyes widened just a bit before he grinned evilly."kuku, now i have to kill you girl. Kukuku." This was great! Not only would he steal the famed sharingan but hed also take out tsunades student! Or maybe he could.. yes thatd be wonderful..

'Not only will i give sasuke-kun the curse mark but ill give the girl one as well. Itd be wonderful to see tsunades face once she loses a student and maybe the girl could provide my subjects with some.. entertainment kukuku'

He had no need of sakura but hed make her suffer, if only to watch her wither in pain. But the thought of crushing tsunades spirits was to tempting to pass up.

Orochimaru was brought out of his thoughts as sasuke jumped towards him..

• flash back end•

Narutos ringed eyes slowly opened.' He was gonna hurt sakura, he was gonna use her to provide 'entertainment' for his followers.' Naruto frowned.' And hed use sakuras suffering and pain to get to granny tsunade..'

"Sick men deserve to be tortured in hell." Kurama stated with a small growl." I may not like other humans but even i have a line that i refuse to cross and using children is something no one should ever do. So do not feel bad for sending that freaks soul to hell naruto."

'I dont regret what i did kurama. Id do it again in a heart beat but i have to be careful with these abilities. To protect those i care about id do anything, even if it meant playing kami once more, but im scared my strength will go to my head.'

Kurama chuckled at that." Please! Its not in your nature to become a self obsessed jerk. And even if you did, im here to humble you brat!" Naruto let a small smile grace his face.

'Thanks kurama..'

"Anytime kid."

Naruto looked out the rooms window and saw that the sun was beginning to set. He made a clone and ordered it to go get him some ramen. Hed stay for awhile longer in order to make sure anko was safe before hed head home for the night..

• location unknown•

"My lord!" A masked figure dropped to a knee and bowed his head towards another figure who was sitting in a chair next to a fireplace, the shadows of the room covered his upper body and face." I bring urgent news.." the agent stated in an emotionless tone.


"A few hours ago one of our spies were keeping an eye on the chunnin exams as were your orders. Well one of them saw something.."

"Spit it out already!"

"Right. He said that he witnessed the kyubi jinchuriky kill orochimaru of the sannin.."


"Sir?" The agent looked up at his master. The master leaned forward and the light of the fire illuminated his face just barely enough for one to see the 'X' like scar on the mans chin.

"So orochimaru has died.. hmm.." The man rubbed his chin in thought." Yes.. this could work to our advantage."

"How so my lord?"

"Orochimaru was leading sound. With him dead the village will need a leader... i want you to take half of our men and round up everyone involved with the sound village. Its time for them to meet their new otokage.."

"Right away lord donzo!" And the kneeling agent vanished.

Donzo leaned forward in his seat and stared into the fire that burned next to him. He had stayed in the shadows these past few years, building his forces and waiting for the time to strike. He had known of orochimarus plan to attack konoha and even thought of offering the snake his help but decided against it.

He smirked. That damned kyubi brat had unknowingly just gave him an entire village of trainable soldiers. If he couldnt have konoha then hed take the sound village and turn it into the strongest of hidden villages. His dreams of total world domination were beginning to come true..

• location unknown•

"So the kyubi managed to kill orochimaru hmm?"

"Yes pein-sama." Zetsu answered with a nod." And it seemed as if he had done it with little to no problem either, though orochimaru was already weak due to his battle with his former student." He added.

"Hn." Pein grunted in response before looking to his right to see konan staring off into empty space." Konan." The girl looked at him." Im putting you in charge of capturing the kyubi. Do whatever it is you wish in order to get him. But remember, in three years time we will begin to move on all the tailed beasts. You have until then to bring the kyubi in."

"I understand.." konan replied with a small nod. She turned her back to pein and zetsu before walking towards the exit. Her face remained blank but her mind was full of thoughts.

She couldnt help but to remember what naruto had said about what they were doing. The more she thought about it the more outrageous she found their plan to be. Even the one tails would be difficult to control, but the ten tails? The strongest being in creation? How could a mere illusion control such a beast? A beast that was stronger then the sage of the six paths himself?

The worst part? The only one of them that knew the illusion to control a tailed beast was the fake madara that had both of his arms ripped off by naruto before said boy preceded to decimate their ranks and kill kisame before stealing hidans decapitated head.

Naruto was strong. She could tell that he was far stronger then 'pein'. The boy could use the six paths without having to control dead bodies as if they were puppets and nagato was a crippled man hooked up to a chakra powered chair. Konan frowned as she exited their hidden base. She looked up at the setting sun and sighed sadly.

Nagato wasnt the same person he used to be. He had taken their fallen friends dream and turned it into something horrid, something wrong. Instead of the peace seeking group they were supposed to be they were now nothing more then a group of wanted criminals that were trying to take over the world by crushing everyone else under their foot and konan wasnt sure she wanted to do that anymore..

"What should i do yahiko?" She asked out loud in a soft tone. She closed her eyes as a warm breeze ruffled her hair before wrapping around her in a gentle hug. She opened her eyes and watched as a green leaf floated down in front of her. She reached out with her right hand and caught the falling leaf before looking down at it." I see... thank you yahiko.." she whispered out as a gentle smile grew across her face.