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The Calm Before The Strom

Hiashi sat at the dinning table next to his wife with a look on his face that promised death. His byakugan was activated and he was glaring deadly daggers at his new enemy.

That enemy was one naruto uzumaki.

That blond brat was sitting across from him fully dressed with that stupid mask over his face. The boy was currently writing something down in a little black book with that stupid eye smile of his, completely ignoring the elder mans murderous glare.

Hitomi was slowly eating her breakfast as she looked between the two males. She was glad that hinabi was already in school and hinata had already left to meet with her own team... the girl had a pep in her step that neither she or hiashi missed.. not to mention the rather loud.. noises coming from hinatas room last night that had woken both of them up.

It took all she had in order to keep hiashi from freaking out right then and there but right now she knew that her husband was literally seconds away from exploding.

Naruto stopped writing and put his brush down on the table as he looked over what he had written. It was a simple ' pros and cons' list that he was using in order to help him make his decision regarding the third hokages offer.

His musing was interrupted by hiashi who, rather aggressively, cleared his throat. The boy looked up from his book and locked eyes with hiashi.

The boy blinked and tilted his head a bit." Whats wrong hiashi-sama? You look angry." He asked in a curious tone.

The veins around hiashis eyes seemed to grow just a tad bit thicker." Is there anything youd like to tell me naruto?" The man asked in a cold tone.

Naruto blinked before looking over to hitomi, who quickly avoided eye contact with him in favor of staring down at her food.

Naruto looked back to hiashi with a clueless look on his masked face." Uh... no?" He replied.

"You son of a bitch!"

Naruto let out a rather girlish squeal as hiashi lunged across the table at him. In the blink of an eye hiashi had him by the collar, pinned against the far wall with a chakra laced butter knife to his throat.

Narutos eyes were wide with fear." W-what the hell?!?" He cried out in fear.

If this was anyone else holding a knife to his throat, naruto wouldve already killed them. But this was hinatas father, the one man naruto feared most in this world. Right now he wasnt a shinobi, he was a freaked out pre-teen!

"Hiashi calm down!" Hitomi cried out as she stood up, yet she made no move to pry the man off the young shinobi.

"You defiled my precious daughter last night you bastard!" Hiashi spat out. The amount of rage within the mans body caused him to shake slightly until he suddenly stopped shaking and rested the edge of his butter knife directly against narutos throat." Im gonna cut your throat before ripping your spine out through your fucking neck!" He promised.

Narutos eyes were wide in utter fear as he finally understood what the man holding him up against the wall was so angry over.

"Okay i admit, me and hinata had sex!" Naruto put his hands up in surrender." But you cant kill me for that!"

"You wanna bet you little bastard?" Was the mans reply.

Naruto paled." U-uh, think about how sad hinata will be if you kill me." He tried to guilt trip the man into letting him go, but seeing the twitching vein on the mans forehead, he assumed it didnt work. "Wait!" Naruro cried out, narrowing his eyes a bit." Howd you even know about that-"

"The moans.." hiashi whispered out as his eyes seemly clouded over in horror." They were s-so loud.." it was like naruto was looking at a man with ptsd or something. Hiashi shook his head in order to shake the horrific memories away before he glared back at the blond.

"Naruto-chan-" Hitomi spoke up as she made her way around the table in order to stand next to her husband. She had an awkward look on her face."- please tell us that you at least wore a condom." She practically pleaded.

Naruto looked at her like she was dumb." I can literally move faster than sound." The boy pointed out." I didnt need a condom, i probably have the best pull out game in all of the elemental nations." He finished with an absolute nod.

Without another word hiashi buried the butter knife deep with the blonds throat.. said boy went up in a cloud of smoke.

"Damnit!" Hiashi roared out." Stupid shadow clones!" He let out a growl as he tossed his butter knife away.

Hitomi palmed her face." At least we know hinatas not gonna get pregnant." She muttered to herself.

"Im gonna kill that boy."

"You will do no such thing hiashi-kun." Hitomi replied as she crossed her arms over her chest and gave her husband a cold look.

Hiashi was stunned." B-but hitomi-chan! He defiled our daughter! In her own room no less! The nerve!" He finished with a glare.

Hitomi let out a sigh." It wouldve happened eventually my love." She told him before walking up to him and putting her arms around his neck. She gave him a comforting smile before speaking once more." I know its hard to see but hinata-chan is old enough to make her own decisions and in the eyes of the village, shes an adult." She reminded the man and she watched his shoulders sag." All we can do for her is be there to support her no matter what. And if she wishes to be intimate with naruto-chan then we have to accept that and move on." She told him.

Hiashi let out a rather depressed sigh." I know all that my love.. but i still want to kill naruto.." he muttered out.

Hitomi let out a small giggle." You cant kill naruto-chan, i wish for grandkids one day you know."

Hiashi looked at his wife in utter horror.

• with kakashi•

Kakashi stood in training ground seven with both sakura and sasuke. The two genin were sparing lightly and kakashi was ignoring them in favor of reading his book... except he wasnt actually reading it, he was just looking down at the pages blankly.

In reality he was thinking about the past few weeks and all that had occurred in such a short time.

After he had gotten waisted- and ultimately got his drunk ass kicked around by gai, kakashi had followed through with his promise to the man and had started training every morning with gai until his body was almost too sore to function. He was happy to say that their training was indeed paying off as he had not only realized that his chakra reserves were getting larger, but his reflexes were getting faster as well. Gai had forced him to train relentlessly without the use of his sharingan for most of the days but they did take a day out of the week to train with said eye.

Another recently new thing was him and anko. He had stopped to visit with kurenai and asuma at one of the local bars and ended up, somehow, being dragged back to ankos apartment by said woman after she had shown up to the bar.

Now despite what a lot of people think about him, he wasnt really into the whole ' one night stand' thing. In fact he had only slept with a handful of people throughout his adult years and while he enjoyed his time with anko, he didnt quite know what to do about her.

He had expected it to be a quick fling, a one night stand and yet he and anko had begun to spend a lot of time together these past few weeks, when they weren't on duty of course. He had spent a few nights at her place yet they seemed to spend most of their nights at his. He didnt mind really, in fact he enjoyed the woman's company.  It was nice to eat dinner with someone else and it was even nicer to lie beside them throughout the nights. And while there was a lot of sex between them, it wasnt all that they did. They had spent a lot of nights just lazing around his living room watching movies with one another or sitting on his apartment buildings roof in order to gaze up at that star filled sky.

It was nice and innocent most nights and thats one of the things kakashi liked about their time together. Though he mentally admitted that it was a little weird to see anko so calm and.. dare he say girly?, at the start of their relationship.

Kakashi blinked.' Our relationship?' He mentally asked himself as he looked up at the clear sky.' Are we.. dating?' He wondered. He'd never really had a girlfriend before so he wasnt to sure on how being in a relationship was like.' Maybe i should ask asuma or kurenai about it?' He let out a thoughtful hum before he looked back down to his book.

Another thing that came to mind was the news of hiruzen retiring and wanting to pass the hat on to naruto. While he wasnt really surprised that naruto was a candidate for the hokage position, he was somewhat worried about how the blond was taking it.

He knew that naruto and jiraya had an upcoming, three year long, mission coming up soon, and he was curious to see how naruto would deal with it all.

If naruto accepted the position of hokage then how would he be able to travel the nations with his master? The logical conclusion would be to leave a shadow clone behind to do all the hokage work, but a shadow clone would only last so long before it popped. And if the village was attacked and that clone was the last line of defense, all it would take was one solid hit before itd poof away and leave the village defenseless.

But if naruto didnt accept the thirds offer then the hat would be given to another, allowing the young blond to travel freely and complete his rather important mission of getting into contact with the rest of the containers and hopefully forming some sort of alliance with them.

Kakashi shook his head a bit. It was a lot of pressure to put on someone.

He looked up to his students just in time to see sasuke kick sakura in the face, sending the young medic sailing into a tree.

The pinkett slumped to the ground before looking up at her teammate with narrowed emerald eyes." Im gonna get you for that sasuke-kun." She promised as she jumped to her feet.

Sasuke smirked at the girl and readied himself." Come on sakura, i know you can do better then that. I watched you punch a hole through that snake freak remember?" He called out as he watched the girl ready herself.

Sakuras cheeks turned a bright pink." He was a mud clone dummy! It wouldnt have happened if he was a real person!" She reminded him before she charged forward towards the boy.

Kakashi watched the two continue their spar for a few moments before he went back to his book.

Sakura was growing fast under tsunades teachings. Her chakra reserves were bigger now, her taijutsu better and her growing knowledge of the medical arts was amazing. She was learning new things everyday and kakashi was very proud of how far she had come since her academy days.

He had also noticed a difference in sasuke as well. The boy was training just as hard as sakura, possibly even harder. He was doing his best to better his chakra reserves, his chakra control and his taijutsu. He had also been training a lot with his sharingan in order to better his reflexes and reaction times. Kakashi had also noticed that the boy was acting a little different, like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. He brooded a lot less now and he even begun to have regular conversation with sakura, sometimes even hanging out with the girl after training instead of running off like he usually did.

Kakashi was happy with how his genin were changing and growing, not only as proud shinobi but as people.

Yet he was a little nervous to see how they would react when they found out about akatsuki and their devious plans to destroy their very world.

Kakashi was so lost in thought, he never noticed the four barely sensible chakra signatures watching him and his team from the forest around them..

• with jiraya•

The sage stood on top of the fourths stone head as he gazed out over the village. His eyes were locked onto the horizon as he felt the wind gently blow past him, causing his hair to sway lightly.

Behind him to his left stood konan. The women wore an emotionless look on her beautiful face as she too stared out over her senseis home. The black cloak she wore over her clothing swayed in the breeze.

Neither she nor jiraya budged as they felt naruto appear next to them. He stood behind jiraya to the mans right, next to konan.

"Do you feel them?" Jiraya asked out loud.

Naruto nodded his head." Theres four of them sensei. All of them bare orochimarus curse mark." He informed his two companions." They're watching team seven." He added.

Jiraya hummed a bit as he reached his hand up to rub his chin." So it seems orochimarus back then." He told them." But how?" He looked over his shoulder towards naruto." You sent his soul to hell." He pointed out.

The boy nodded." I did. But i think i might know how he escaped." He looked between both jiraya and konan." We know that hes made that body jumping jutsu that he does, and its safe to assume that he knows about the impure resurrection so.." naruto trailed off.

"You think he had one of his underlings resurrect him before he jumped into another body?" Konan asked the boy.

Naruto nodded his head." Its the only thing that makes sense to me right now." He told them.

Konan nodded her head." Shall we inform hokage-sama of these four pests before we kill them?" She asked.


"No?" Both jiraya and konan asked as they looked towards naruto.

Naruto stared out over his village with unblinking, mismatched eyes." I told you both about how i was able to meet the sage of the six paths." He began." I had to be put in a death like state to meet him and get my half of his chakra." Naruto looked at them for a moment before he went back to gazing at his home." Its time sasuke receives his half of the sages chakra." He finished.

Jiraya frowned at that." You're gonna let them kill sasuke?" He asked.

Naruto shook his head." Im not gonna let them do anything." He told the man." Im not even gonna be around when they attack." He eye smiled." Im going to let sasuke deal with them by himself. He wont allow them to take him and he'll fight.. and probably die." He said the last part a little too cheerfully." But the sage will bring him back." He finished with a shrug.

"And if the sage doesnt?" Jiraya asked softly.

Naruto shrugged." Then ill bring sasuke back myself." He told them.

Konans eyes widened." You cant use that jutsu!" She nearly shouted, catching jiraya by surprise." Youll die!" She added.

Naruto turned towards the woman and eye smiled." I wont." He told her." I have two tailed beasts sealed away inside me." He rested a hand on his gut." Kurama can heal me from any injury i sustain while performing that jutsu, and this eye.." he reached up and gently touched the skin around his left eye, his rinnesharingan almost seemed to pulse with untold power." Im not sure what its capabilities are quiet yet but i know that its special.. it wont let me die.." he trailed off.

Jiraya crossed his arms over his chest before he turned his back to his two students." Its almost time for our mission naruto." He told the boy, changing the subject.

Naruto straightened up and nodded." I know sensei. I just need a few more days to think about some things and then ill be ready to leave." Naruto assumed jiraya already knew about the thirds offer so he didnt bother bringing it up.

Naruto had been thinking about the old mans offer and he thought that he had come up with a certain solution to his problems. The only problem he had now was to figure out how exactly he would pull it off..