Feeling Wahaha!

Tang Jinyu didn't even try to make a break for it. After all, this woman had multiple ways to attract everyone's attention.

Jian Qi smiled and leaned closer to him. "Why aren't you running?"

"What do you want?" Tang Jinyu grumbled.

"Look at my boxed lunch! I told you this was all I ate!" Jian Qi looked at him with a sad expression.

"Are you done? If you are, then leave!" Tang Jinyu said in an ordering tone, trying to lay pressure on her.

Jian Qi daintily finished her boxed lunch and smiled. "Little Tang Tang, when are you guys preparing to..."

"Shut up."

"If you want me to shut up, buy me a drink. I'm thirsty!"

Tang Jinyu inhaled deeply to keep his temper down and asked, "What do you want to drink?"

Jian Qi quirked an eyebrow, having not expected him to comply with her wishes.

"Wahaha Yogurt..." Jian Qi smiled. "I'm feeling especially happy because my Little Tang Tang is going to buy me a drink!"