Qiqi, Can You Forgive Me?

Nobody who was at the class gathering would have believed that Jian Qi would make it into the National Defense Academy before their exam. 

They could not have thought that she would obtain the highest marks for their college examination result. 

Jian Qi walked into the room calmly and immediately sat down in a corner by herself. 

Even though everyone inside the room felt awkward after Jian Qi made her appearance, yet some of them still wanted to get close to her because of her fame. 

They were like strangers to her. She was not affected by their sudden interest in her. 

Chu Yuhan was happy about her satisfactory results. She arrived at the gathering with a high spirit, but the moment she saw people gathering around Jian Qi, she immediately felt irritated.

She knew that Jian Qi's results were astounding. The media had even reported Jian Qi's extraordinary result publicly and she was immediately given another title, 'Scholar Lord'.