Weren’t You Holding My Hand Just Now?

Jian Qi found it funny being dragged by Tang Jinyu. "What are you doing?"

"We are going to the hospital right now!" Tang Jinyu glared at her. "How can you not know that you have been drugged…" 

"Qiqi… Jian Qi…" Chu Yuhan's voice stopped Tang Jinyu. 

Tang Jinyu knew that something was wrong. He wanted to drag Jian Qi along and leave, but instead she dragged him to a corner. 

"You—" Jian Qi immediately covered his mouth before he could say anything.

"Qiqi? Where are you, Jian Qi? Jian Qi!" 

Chu Yuhan's voice that was initially gentle became more and more frustrated. 

Tang Jinyu's face darkened. He pulled her hand away from his mouth, trying to drag her along so that they could leave, but Jian Qi held onto his hand and ran in the opposite direction to follow after Chu Yuhan. 

Chu Yuhan stopped at the gate and looked around. She stomped the ground in frustration. 

'How could I let her run away!'