Did They Find Out?

Tang Jinyu looked at the person in front of him calmly. He smirked and said, "Lu Yao, you'll regret it."

"Regret? You're so sure of yourself." Lu Yao laughed out loud. "Or, do you still think that somebody will come to your rescue? Your entire team is gone."

Lu Yao looked at the students of the defense academy beside him. They lowered their eyes anxiously. They all seemed scared and worried.

"Come, let's tie them up." Lu Yao said and waved his hand nonchalantly. He smiled smugly. 

The others were on their guard as they approached Tang Jinyu slowly.

Tang Jinyu remained calm the whole time. He appeared powerful and strong.

The facial expressions of the students of the defense academy were terrible to say the least. They had been studying there for several years and now they got eliminated. They even endangered their instructor.  

They lost terribly this time.

They were utterly humiliated.