I Reject Your Offer

The incident at the canteen was soon put aside and forgotten. The rumors regarding the drill disappeared because of Tang Jinyu's explanation. 

Then with Tang Jinyu's departure from the academy, Feng Yi left as well.

They left in a hurry and the others only received the news when they had already left. 

They had a new instructor and he was not as harsh and strict as Tang Jinyu.

Clearly, their training became much more endurable.

It was soon the holidays. Coco was busy so Jian Qi stayed at home alone for two days. 

At night, she ordered takeout. She planned to rest after having dinner.

The doorbell rang just as she hung up her phone. 

Jian Qi raised an eyebrow and walked toward the door. 

"Who is it?" 

"Hello, it's express delivery!" A man standing in front of the door said.

Jian Qi opened the door.

"Miss, it's your package. Please sign here." The courier handed her a package.