It Is Better to Take the Initiative Than to Wait For Death

Jian Qi was hoping that Tang Jinyu himself would come. She would surely be more delighted.

She knew that Tang Jinyu had excellent martial arts skills when she went shooting for the film. She was too weak at that time so she did not have the chance nor way to test his skills.

Within the few months of being in the National Defense Academy, she had strengthened her body. Although she had yet to achieve the exceptional state that she was in before, she was still quite satisfied with her body's condition now.

As such, she hoped that she could have a chance to fight Tang Jinyu. She became rather excited just thinking about it.

Although it was slightly impossible to be recruited by the military team, if she did, she would have plenty of chances to openly beat Tang Jinyu up.

As such, she wanted to pass the recruitment test!

Jian Qi wanted to laugh out loud at the thought of beating Tang Jinyu up.