Only She Would Play With Our Feelings

Feng Yi was rather disgusted by Lightning's behaviour. 

"Why do you sound like a villain right now?" 

Lightning happily said, "After her!" 

They tracked Jian Qi's location and chased after the dots at a pretty fast pace. However, they soon realized that the dots were moving at an even faster pace. 

That was not a speed a normal person would have. 

They then realized that her location was at the cliff where they had climbed up earlier on, and their faces immediately fell. 

"Let's save her!" 

Feng Yi said without hesitation. 

They quickly ran toward the location. 

They stood at the edge of the cliff and looked down as a frown appeared on their faces.

The signals stopped somewhere over the edge and were no longer moving. 

"Let's go down and have a look!" Feng Yi said. 

They were both afraid that someone might actually be dead!