How Dare You Bully Big Sister Qi! Have You Forgotten About Boss?

Jian Qi stretched her body lazily. Then, she walked toward Crocodile with the gun in her hand. She handed him the gun and smiled softly. "Instructor, you worked hard…"

Crocodile. "..."

'Please don't talk to me!!!'

Jian Qi turned around and left with an air of arrogance. 

She did not linger around Tang Jinyu this time around. She was indeed exhausted. 

At first, she was thrown over his shoulder. Then, she ran around the court while being shot by him. She even finished shooting a box of bullets with Tang Jinyu. 

Based on what Tang Jinyu told her just now at his office, she could already imagine what would be waiting for them after they had a good rest.

After she left, Crocodile stood there with a dejected look.

Lightning patted his shoulder. He was amused. "Young boy, get over it!" 

"Our boss is clearly being biased!" Crocodile could not help but complain. "What does he mean by no more bullets? Don't we have plenty?"