My Heart is Made of Glass

Tang Jinyu looked at the girl that was smiling at him, he frowned. 

"When did you realize?" Tang Jinyu asked seriously. 

Jian Qi knew what he was talking about but she was acting dumb. "Instructor, weren't you just trying to spend more alone time with me while making me stay back?" 

Jian Qi winked at him, her eyes gleaming devilishly. 

"One hundred push-ups!" Tang Jinyu said, "Now!" 

Jian Qi. "..." 

'What the f*ck!'

"Two hundred!" Tang Jinyu added another hundred for her, seeing her hesitation.

Jian Qi was annoyed. She immediately dropped to the ground and started doing the push-ups. 

"Now answer me. When did you realize it?" Tang Jinyu asked again. 

"What?" Jian Qi asked him even though she knew. 

Tang Jinyu scoffed lightly, then he said, "When did you realize it was a trap?"