I Want to Beat You Up, Does That Count?

All the other rookies were done with their training and they stood at the side, watching on. 

"What happened?" 

"No idea, she was told to run after she came back in the morning!"

"Instructor Tang sure is ruthless!"

"Besides that, Jian Qi is such a trooper! She hasn't even fallen yet after running for so many hours!" 

"Why do I feel like this is a competition?" 

"Why is she so stubborn? She'd probably get off the hook if she were to give up!" 

"Yeah, hasn't she always been smart? Why is she being like this?" 

Everyone was quite worried about Jian Qi, and Lu Yao looked at Jian Qi before he looked back at Tang Jinyu that was standing as straight as a flagpole.

He knew Tang Jinyu's personality, and he would not be one to punish a recruit for no reason. 

What he was surprised about was that it was Jian Qi that was being punished.