You Would Definitely Be The First to Commit Mutiny!

Lightning lifted his hand and patted Crocodile's shoulder, his tone teasing as he said, "Don't blame other people for being smart when you're the one that's dumb, okay?"

Crocodile, "… I'm not dumb."

Feng Yi soon spoke up too, "Have you ever heard the saying that one would not fear a god-like enemy but a pig-like teammate? It applies especially to you!"

Crocodile. "…"

Was bullying him really that fun?

Tang Jinyu completely ignored all of this, his gaze was stuck on the monitor as he was looking at a certain girl that was moving stealthily along the walls.

Jian Qi saw the drone hovering over her head when she was dropped off at the site, and when she was watching the veterans fight, the drone appeared again.

Now that this drone had appeared for the third time, there must be an enemy nearby!

It was definitely extremely close by, too, or else this drone would not be directly over her head.