Don't You Think I'm Strong?

"Boss, it's not an assumption on my side, she really has great endurance!" The crocodile smiled and said, "I respect her for sticking out for so long!"

She was someone that withstood their boss's hellish training, so her stamina and endurance would definitely pass the mark!

Lightning also could not help but smile and agree, "A soldier must possess a strong physique and perseverance, as well as the endurance to withstand hits. Big Sister Qi definitely has all those qualities!"

"I've fought with her before!" Tang Jinyu said.

As everyone cast confused gazes in his direction, Tang Jinyu continued, "She really is tough!"

Everyone. "..." 

So what was his point? 

The curiosity of everyone was provoked, and they all thought back to how Boss was the one that dragged Big Sister Qi back from the forest back during the survival trials!

Now that they thought about it, Boss was covered in mud too!