Give Me a Reason

Jian Qi smiled happily as she looked at Tang Jinyu's back. "Instructor, are you shy?"

"Jian Qi, get lost now if you don't want to die!" Tang Jinyu said coldly. Then, he quickened his pace and left. 

At first, Jian Qi wanted to go after him. In the end, she chose to go to the infirmary after taking a look at her hand.

She wanted her hand to heal sooner. 

She now realized that she could not allow herself to get injured so easily next time.

With injuries on her body, she would not be able to do a lot of things, thus limiting herself in many ways.

The doctor helped Jian Qi to bandage her wound again. He told her what she needed to be careful of. "Don't ever let your wound get wet. It'll be infected." 

Jian Qi nodded and positioned her arm properly. Then, she asked the doctor in a serious manner, "Doctor, I want to know if there is any way my hand could be healed completely so I would be able to move it around freely."