Your Little Goddess Has Fallen and She Needs A Kiss to be Revived

After the five-kilometre marathon ended, Tang Jinyu went to them and gave them a sweeping glance. His gaze then fell upon Lightning. 

He looked at him and Lightning instantly felt threatened. 

Surprisingly, Tang Jinyu did not take any action in the training that followed. 

Lightning was relieved and he thought that he was thinking too much. 

However, when it was time for lunch and everyone had left for the cafeteria, Tang Jinyu stopped him. "Lightning, stay back."

Lightning. "..." 

Jian Qi rushed to the cafeteria and she was going to get some rest after her meal. She had not slept since last night, she was so tired she could sleep while standing up. 

She finished her meal in five minutes and everyone teased her, "Big Sister Qi, do you even chew your food?" 

Jian Qi replied calmly, "I'm training my speed." 

Everyone. "..."