If She Doesn't Have Genuine Feelings, I'll Make Her Have Such Feelings!

Tang Jinyu shifted his gaze away from Jian Qi to Leng Yu. Without saying anything, he decided to walk away directly.

Leng Yu chuckled. "Boss, Jian Qi is a good person…"

Tang Jinyu stopped walking as he turned around and looked at Leng Yu yet again.

"What are you trying to say?" Tang Jinyu asked in his calm voice as per usual.

Leng Yu looked at him and laughed. "She does have an interest in you. Although it may seem like you are torturing her, it's all for her own good. To the rest of us, your means of torturing her are merely akin to our simple daily training."

"Despite your cold attitude toward her, you are the person who cares about her the most. Otherwise, you would not have asked us to be careful so as not to hurt her left arm during training. More importantly, you would not have refused to let her overuse the sniper rifle when we were training in the snowy mountains."