Your Little Fairy Has Three Seconds to Arrive in Your Arms

By the time Tang Jinyu arrived at the scene, the anti-terrorists had also arrived.

The flames that filled the sky were frightful to behold.

As the flames engulfed nearly everything in sight, what came into view was complete desolation of the areas burned.

Apart from the burned corpse of the mercenary on the ground, nobody else was seen in the entire place.

Tang Jinyu felt slightly relaxed.

While the anti-terrorists proceeded to put out the fire and to check on the dead mercenary, Tang Jinyu looked around in search of Jian Qi.

"Boss, the earpiece!" Leng Yu ran over quickly before she called out to Tang Jinyu.

Tang Jinyu paused for a moment before he recollected himself.

After pressing down on the button, Tang Jinyu began speaking in a deep voice. "Jian Qi, where are you?"