Do You Think Boss Is Only Friendly With You?

The helicopter arrived in America. Although it was a rescue mission, it was a secret rescue mission!

Therefore, they found a temporary spot to wait after they got off the plane. Meanwhile, Tang Jinyu and Lightning went to the anti-terrorism FBI building together.

They needed to get more information and quickly plan the rescue.

Not long after Tang Jinyu left, Jian Qi saw that everyone was preparing their weapons. She stood up and walked toward the door.

"Big Sister Qi, where are you going?" Crocodile asked.

"Just standing at the door for some fresh air!" Jian Qi said.

"Don't go too far. After all, our boss might ask us to gather and leave for the mission at any time."

Jian Qi nodded. "Don't worry. I'll just walk around the door and take a look."

She then walked toward the door.

Leng Yu looked up at Jian Qi's back and frowned slightly.

When they went out, Jian Qi changed into a set of plain clothes.