You Can Leave Now, She Will Stay!

Crocodile was shocked when he saw Jian Qi's movement.

"Big Sister Qi, did you send it to Boss?"

"Of course!" Jian Qi replied calmly. "How could I not be admired by Instructor Tang? Little Fairy is so beautiful!"

Jian Qi smiled. Crocodile wanted to cry!

"Let's go back and get my picture ready!" Jian Qi said.

Crocodile followed her gloomily.

They came down and met Tang Xiao who had just returned.

Crocodile's facial expression became serious when he saw Tang Xiao.

Since Crocodile did so, Jian Qi naturally saluted him.

Tang Xiao looked at the two of them. Then, his gaze fell on Jian Qi. He stared at her deeply. Jian Qi was confused.

Why did she feel that he was completely different from before?

He was even a little cautious?

Did she do anything?

Tang Xiao's gaze didn't linger on Jian Qi for long. Soon, he looked at Crocodile.

"What are you doing here?"