That Is Right, I Am Threatening You

After hearing what Su Zipei said, Grandpa Mu's face changed and he stared at her.

"It was an accident."

"The police will investigate it. As for her…" Su Zipei pointed at Mu Tangxue and said, "I believe that nobody would know better than her is what really happened that night. Just the same as what happened to Grandma Mu in the bedroom of this house. She would be very clear about it."

"The police cannot take the words out of her mouth for now. But when that day comes, I anticipate that you will, again, try to shut her mouth up for good."

'Shut her mouth up for good.' When Mu Tangxue heard it, she turned pale.

"Zipei, everything you said is just your speculation. Where is the proof?" Grandpa Mu acted cool and looked at Su Zipei. Then, he said, "If you cannot show me your proof before coming here and shaming us, I can sue you for slander."