You Are the One Who Should Get Lost…

Grandpa Shen and Mu Qiqi looked at each other. Mu Qiqi was already tearing up.

It was the first confrontation between the grandfather and the granddaughter.

"I trust you, Qiqi. But you should not slap your elder." Grandpa Shen was barely able to speak after keeping silent for a long time. His vision was getting blurry. "These are two different matters. You should apologize to your third aunt."

"She called me a bastard child at first. If she could apologize, I can, too." Mu Qiqi answered firmly. "I was framed again and again in the Mu family and nobody spoke up for me. Everyone hated me. Is the same thing going to happen in the Shen family again? Is it my fault that Shen Ruoyi did not get Lin Mu'an to like her?"

As she was speaking, Mu Qiqi's tears rolled down her cheeks. "If you really find it hard to accept me into the family, you can just tell me. I can leave. Why must you humiliate and hurt me? Grandpa, is this what you wish to see?"

"Xiao Qi…"