She Has Used This Excuse Too Many Times

During the banquet, the guests asked about the wedding date of Sheng Xiao and Mu Qiqi. However, Grandpa Sheng avoided the questions cleverly. He said, "Qiqi is still young. When the time is right, it will happen, naturally."

At that moment, Mu Qiqi hated herself for being young. She was so helplessly young that she could not become a lawful couple with Xiaoxiao yet.

Sheng Xiao who was sitting beside Mu Qiqi held her hand to comfort her. His hand was telling her to just let Grandpa Sheng's words go in one ear and out the other. She did not have to take his words personally.

Mu Qiqi smiled at him. Although she was a bit upset, she was not scared.

After the banquet, the guests left. Then Shens and the Shengs bid each other farewell. Shen Jianchuan should return to the hospital after being outside for a whole day

Mu Qiqi walked to Sheng Jianchuan and held his hands. "I am still your daughter. Nothing will ever change that."