I Can Only Consider Myself Unfilial

"Why do you all think that I am doing this for Qianqian?" asked Lin Mu'an. "I didn't do this for anyone. I'm doing this for myself. Do you hope that I will just follow my grandfather's order and marry a person I don't even know and then live the rest of my life just like that?"

"What's wrong with having your grandfather plan everything for you? You are just a young master who has never suffered. You only know to act on impulse."

"How would you know that I have never suffered?" Lin Mu'an asked again.

The manager realized that he might have said the wrong thing and looked away.

"Now only I know that you always think that I am a useless and dependent young master."

"It's not like that… Young Master Lin."

"I understand. I don't want to burden you. You can leave and find another opportunity seeker."