Don't Mess With Me

Papa Hu was stunned after hearing it. He looked at her in shock. "What did you just say?"

"I said, I have recovered. I am normal again." Hu Ran stood in front of Papa Hu, like a normal adult. "I remember the car accident two years ago."

"Are you… Is this real?"

"Father, I am not a normal person when you let me marry into the Sheng family. I won't blame you for it. After all, you have picked a normal man for me. Do you know that I was put into a shock last night because of my allergy to honey?" Hu Ran was speaking in a very explicit manner to Papa Hu. She was totally different from her usual child-like self.

Papa Hu was so surprised that he could not speak. Then, Third Brothercame forward and held Hu Ran. "Father-in-law, Xiao Ran has indeed recovered."

"I am glad she is fine now." Papa Hu nearly cried and held his daughter's hand tightly. "I am so sorry…"