I Like How You Scare People

In the end, Gu Ziling waited for news all day at home without any contact from Mrs. Hu.

"She promised to help, but now she doesn't even answer my call. That useless old woman!"

Hu Ran overheard Gu Ziling from behind. She couldn't help asking, "Which old woman?"

Gu Ziling turned to Hu Ran and glared at her. "Doesn't your family teach you not to eavesdrop?"

"Since you said that I'm rude, I will show you what exactly 'rude' looks like!" Having said that, Hu Ran grabbed Gu Ziling's phone from her hand. She wanted to verify her guess.

She quickly scanned through the call log and saw the phone number Gu Ziling called the most.

And then, she took out her phone and compared the number with the one in her phone.

"Hu Ran!"