Serves Him Right

Ye Jingcheng had a comminuted fracture in his left hand, a slight concussion in his brain, and scratches on his skin here and there. To recover, he had to lie in bed for at least a month.

After the operation, Ye Jingcheng woke up from a coma. Seeing his parents standing by the bed, he had on a cold expression.

"Jingcheng, oh thank God." Mama Ye jumped toward Ye Jingcheng. "You have finally woken up. We were scared to death."

"Go away." Ye Jingcheng's voice was hoarse as his throat was very dry.

Mama Ye was startled, then she said, "Stupid son, do you know that what happened today was planned by that woman? It's true that I drugged her, but it was just a normal sedative. Why would I embarrass my son? Besides, the policemen examined your car just now and found stones under the brake. Why would she do that if she didn't want your life? Jingcheng, trust me…"