You're My Strategist For Life, Don't Think About Running Away

After sending Ren Yufei home that night, Sheng Bowen drove to the Banyan Courtyard. When Mama Sheng saw Third Brother, she took good care of him.

"Third Brother, at your age, it's time to get married. Don't wait until Eighth Brother's children have grown up. You need to be grounded."

"Auntie, Eighth Brother still has two more years to go." Sheng Bowen smiled. "Isn't Qiqi still in college?"

"Well, Eighth Brother is still younger than you."

The two of them chatted in the living room. Soon, Mu Qiqi called Sheng Bowen to the study.

"Why are you looking for me?" Sheng Bowen sat down in Sheng Xiao's study. He hadn't really had the chance to come. He looked at Sheng Xiao's desk and saw Mu Qiqi's forensic books. The two of them were so intimate with each other even when they read.

"Have you investigated the matter of the leaked Huang Yao's design drawings?"

"How do you know about this?" Sheng Bowen looked at Mu Qiqi and asked in puzzlement.