I’ll Take Care of the Aftermath for You

Although his enemies were coming for him, Sheng Bowen was clear about his feelings, so his mood was exceptionally relaxed.

Seeing Sheng Bowen leave so quickly, Papa Hu was worried that his daughter might be feeling wronged, so he quickly went to comfort her. However, Hu Ran looked at peace.

"Daughter, why did Third Young Master come here so late at night?"

"Dad, you don't have to worry about me pestering him in the future. We're family now." Hu Ran reached out and hugged Papa Hu's arm. "You're right. There's no love between Sheng Bowen and me. There's only family love. So from now on, we'll only be family and friends."

"Of course I'm happy that you think that way. Don't worry. My daughter is so great. She'll definitely meet her lover." Papa Hu patted the back of Hu Ran's hand.

The Hu family had met with a little trouble recently. Papa Hu did not tell Hu Ran because he was afraid that she would be worried.