Don't Even Dream About It

Sheng Kai's godfather's surname was Jin, and his first name was Bo.

Although he was the godfather in name, Sheng Kai had only met him a couple of times.

It was not often his godfather treated him to a meal, and Sheng Kai tried his best to please him. This godfather of his had a kind face and never put on airs. He was always nice and amiable to Sheng Kai.

"I know that you don't like ostentatious things, so I brought you here..."

"Ah Kai, remember that if you want to protect your position for a long time, then you must understand that being low-key and inconspicuous is the best protection," Jin Bo said earnestly to him as he drank his tea. "Tell me, what favor do you want me to help you with this time?"