You’re Too Arrogant!

After sharing all that with Mu Qiqi, Li Congwen was about to leave. But Mu Qiqi suddenly remembered something and pulled him back. "Is your mother's surname Yao?"

"How do you know?"

How did she know? Because she had seen Lawyer Shen's "glorious" resume last night, so when Li Congwen mentioned this, she felt that it was very familiar.

With the addition of the name Shen Yu, she was not wrong.

If what Li Congwen had said was the truth, then this Shen Yu could be someone from the murderer's side. Now that Xiao Xiao had invited him to defend Sheng Bowen, could this also be part of their scheme?

Thinking of this possibility, Mu Qiqi suddenly felt terrified and her hair stood on end. In the past, although Sheng Kai had a lot of thoughts, he had never succeeded. Suddenly coming to a realization that they were dealing with such a terrifying person, Mu Qiqi felt a chill down her spine.