Looks Like You’re Reminiscing About Me Kissing You Here

"Sheng Xiao, you're still as arrogant as ever. We're still the directors of Huang Yao. Show some respect." Director Zheng slammed the table and stood up. "Since the company has set up a board of directors, it's necessary to pass a vote. However, everything is decided by you alone. Aren't you looking down on others too much?"

"I've always been like this. Whether you are convinced or not, there are a lot of people waiting for your position."

"You..." Director Zheng tried his best to stir up trouble, but he did not get any advantage from Sheng Xiao.

"I think you should welcome me as the chairman. After all, with Zhongteng as your backer, you can imagine Huang Yao's future development on your own."

The others could not hide their expressions.

"If you still want Huang Yao to rise to a higher level, then the little connection with Sheng Kai should be cut as soon as possible."