When You Give Face, You Shouldn’t be Shameless

"Shanshan, come and sit down quickly," Papa Feng greeted her lovingly.

However, Feng Shanshan took a seat near the door, and Tang Yan took the opportunity to sit beside her.

"Don't stand on ceremony, Mr. Feng."

"Why don't you call me Daddy?" Papa Feng was rather displeased. "I know. Two days ago, your sister went over and made you suffer. I've taught her a lesson. Feng Wen, apologize to your sister."

Feng Wen stood up when her name was called. She glared at Feng Shanshan and said dryly to Feng Shanshan, "I'm sorry."

"An unwilling apology is meaningless. Besides, if it weren't for my friend coming over that day, I don't know if the child in my stomach and I would still be alive." Feng Shanshan looked at Feng Wen coldly, "Let's be honest with each other. If you don't want to apologize, I don't want to accept your apology."

"Good!" Feng Wen sat down angrily.

"Shanshan, we're all family. If there's a misunderstanding, just solve it..."