Do You... Like Me That Much?

In the evening, Sheng Xiao went to the Shen family's home from Zhongteng.

When he saw Old Master Shen fishing at the fish pond, he sat down beside him.

"I haven't fished with you for many years."

Old Master Shen tilted his head. Seeing that it was Eighth Brother, he snorted. "You even knew that I would be angry."

"It's normal for you to be angry."

"Old Eight, you made Qiqi become a mother at the age of twenty-one. I won't blame you for this. After all, Qiqi was willing to do this on her own accord. But what I feel sorry for is that you didn't take good care of her reputation. I'm already old and there's nothing to care about. But, Xiao Qi still has a long way to go. If she bears the stigma of being pregnant out of wedlock now, how will others view her in the future?"