After All, I'm Very Reasonable

"If I'm not mistaken, he probably wants to... make a big move at your engagement ceremony." Sheng Xiao's expression was calm. There was not the slightest hint of panic. "Actually, it's easier this way. First, we'll use the assistant to find the mole. Second, we'll control this assistant. When the time comes, we can use her as a witness to clear our name.

"The deeper you fall into someone else's trap, the calmer you have to be. No matter how perfect a trap is, there will be loopholes. It's like committing a crime."

The more Mu Qiqi and Lin Mu'an heard Sheng Xiao's words, the more they felt that the man in front of them was a god.

They felt like they needed to bow to him.

"It's getting late. Let's go home."

Sheng Xiao hadn't spoken so much in the past three days, so he was instantly unhappy.

Mu Qiqi looked at the man's attitude and gradually understood that Qianqian would be fine.