Fooling Around?

Old Cheng was not angry. He just answered, "Mr. Song, are you afraid to go out?"

"What do you think? There's a murderer outside!" Song Jiang pointed to the door.

"Then why did you ask him to help you in the first place?" Old Cheng crossed his arms. "Now you regret it?"

"Let me tell you, the police need evidence to substantiate their claims!"

Old Cheng shrugged, indicating that he had already shut up.

Song Jiang was so angry that his face turned red. However, he was helpless against the police, so he could only curse. There was nothing else he could do.

Old Cheng did not want to waste time on the Song family. He wanted to go with the team and follow up on Feng Qiang's case.

His wish was quickly realized because Sheng Xiao had canceled his trip to Z City. In other words, he did not need to drag the pretense and remain with the Song father and son any longer. Since that was the case, what was there to protect?