Little Qi's Side 65

The owner of the billiard hall had arranged an appointment for He Yanzhi. The gangsters' leader had asked He Yanzhi to meet him at the largest nightclub in Jianchuan.

That was naturally not a good place. It was a well-known chaotic place in Jianchuan.

He Yanzhi got his number, thanked the owner, and then turned around to go home.

The billiard owner could not bear it, so he grabbed He Yanzhi's arm and said softly, "If there's anything, call me."

"Don't worry." He Yanzhi smiled and quickly disappeared into the darkness.

Why could He Yanzhi dominate there? Because over the past two years, He Yanzhi had fought many times for the owner. He had beat up those who were dishonest, who were found to be at fault, who owed him money. Anyone who bullied the owner was taught a lesson by He Yanzhi. Therefore, in the owner's heart, he was like a younger brother.

He didn't know whether it was right or wrong to help him this time.