Little Qi's Side 94

On the other side, after Tang Xiaobao went back to school, he couldn't really put his heart at ease with Little Qi.

Especially when he looked at He Yanzhi's business card. What kind of future could she have with this kind of gang member?

So, taking advantage of the time after class, Tang Xiaobao called his father. "Dad, there's something I want to ask you."

Tang Yan was now the leader of a bureau, so he was naturally strict with his son. Tang Xiaobao had never requested anything from his father, so he couldn't find any reason to refuse.

"Go ahead."

"Can you investigate He Yanzhi properly? He's a gangster, but he had a close relationship with Little Qi. I don't want Little Qi to be hurt before regretting it. If this person committed a crime, you must tell me immediately."

He Yanzhi?

Hearing these three words, Tang Yan was interested. "No criminal record, but he did make a contribution."