Little Qi's Side 99

Upon hearing this, Little Qi was finally satisfied and revealed a sweet smile.

"It's about time for me to go back. There are still many things waiting for me to handle in the gang." After He Yanzhi got his girlfriend happy, he told her that he wanted to leave.

"Aren't you going to see my mom?" Little Qi asked him.

"There will be many opportunities." He Yanzhi shook his head. Then, he stroked Little Qi's head and said, "Get some rest. You don't have to come out to see me off."

Little Qi gave a slight nod and leaned close to He Yanzhi's lips to kiss him. "Be careful on the road."

He Yanzhi was quite satisfied. Only then did he open Little Qi's room door and walk out.

Downstairs, Master Xiao was still sitting on the sofa without moving. When he saw He Yanzhi come out, the words that came out of his mouth finally became a little colder. "The next time we meet, I hope that you will be more convincing and act like an upright man."