Little Qi's Side 119

He Yanzhi stared at Little Qi. He knew very well what her intention was, and he thought it was also to fulfill his wish. Therefore, Teacher He's question was simple. After handing it over to Little Qi, he went to do his own things.

Half an hour later, Little Qi handed the question filled with answers to He Yanzhi. "Checking time?"

He Yanzhi pulled Little Qi to sit beside him. He took her homework away and leaned over to kiss her. "I guess... You got it all right."

"Of course..." Little Qi hugged He Yanzhi's neck and laughed heartily. "Thank you, Teacher He, for showing mercy and allowing me to take advantage of you."

"Tell me, what do you want to do with me?" He Yanzhi held Little Qi with one hand and asked her in a daze.

Little Qi tugged at He Yanzhi's collar and slowly unbuttoned his shirt. Her small hand reached into his shirt and rested on his chest muscles.